Page 39 of Illusion of Loving

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I shake my head, “It’s somewhere, but it’s messy so it will take forever to find.” I laugh, but Ru gets up and comes back with it in under a minute.

“Don’t worry, I have it.” Ru passes my portfolio to his mother, and I glare at him, but he just smiles, pinching my cheek, which causes Greyson to scoff.

Ms. Young flips through the pages. “These designs are beautiful, although they are heavily inspired by me. I would love to see more of the work that feels original to you.”

My eyes widen and I smile as I take in a breath. Ru pushes my hair behind my ear and rubs my thigh. It was the only thing keeping me calm.

Ru looks over at Natalia, “Did you finish building your practice?”

“Yes.” She nods. “It’s been a lengthy process, but it somewhat functioning.”

Ru snorts, “Somewhat?”

“It’s up and that’s what matters.” She rolls her eyes laughing.

Her phone suddenly beeps, “I’m sorry. I will have to excuse myself. Thank you for having me.”

Ru gets up to walk her out and I’m left with his mother and son.

Ms. Young turns her attention back to me. “Ms. Maxwell, how do you know my son?” She inquires, shutting my portfolio.

I look over at Greyson wondering what will come out of his stupid mouth, but Ru comes and sits at the table. “What did I miss?” He yawns.

“She wants to know how you and Taurus know each other. Tell her how her son is fucking his son’s fiancé.” Greyson snickers mockingly.

Ms. Young narrows her eyes at Greyson, then Ru. “Explain.” She orders.

“The condensed version is that Greyson was engaged to Taurus and didn’t tell any of us until the last minute. He slept with her mother, so they broke up. A year later, I ran into Taurus at a restaurant, and when she got home that night her house was burnt down, so I decided to let her stay in the guesthouse.” Ru pours himself a glass of wine. “Now you’re caught up...”

“What?” Ms. Young looks over at Greyson.

Ru sits his glass down, “Then today he pathetically tried to set up this dinner with Natalia to make Taurus feel small or piss her off in some way.” Ru turns to Greyson, “You invited that girl here to use her as some pawn to dangle in front of Taurus’s face. Then you sit here and embarrass Natalia. I’m going to say this loud and clear so that everyone can hear, this needs to stop. I have given you two warnings already, and you continue to disregard my warnings. I told you that you were not allowed anywhere near Taurus because of your more violent tendencies, and you still came over with no shame.”

“Is this true?” Ms. Young glares at Greyson.

Greyson looks bewildered, “Why are you looking at me like I did something wrong? What kind of parent sleeps with his son’s ex?! You should be on my side!” He shouts, “Plus, since when do you care about Natalia? She was just a hookup for you anyway. Like I said before, you don’t take any of your relationships seriously. I just wanted to shine some light on that. Just so Taurus knows which she’s getting into. You are never going to settle down with anyone. You like your freedom too much. Must be where I get it from.”

Ru scoffs, “That shameful personality of yours is not something you got from me.” I look down and bite my lip as my leg shakes.

Ms. Young slaps the table loudly, “Enough, the both of you are making her uncomfortable. I cannot believe what I am hearing.” She turns to Ru, “We need to talk,now.” She emphasizes the last word clearly.

Ru leans down into my ear and whispers, “I’ll be back.”

Greyson leans back in the chair, “I’m not sure if you ever loved me, but at some point, you cared about me, right?” I start.

Greyson doesn’t speak, but he inhales and exhales.

I sigh with my hands intertwined in the other, “Why are you trying to hurt me? What did I do to deserve this? I genuinely want to know. Do you think you could forgive me if I had an affair with your father while we were together?”

Greyson looks away and closes his eyes as his mouth clenches.

“I didn’t think so…”

He sighs angrily, “Why can’t you just love me again.”

My heart sinks with my next words, “Because I cried for days when I should have been smiling in my wedding dress, I gave a ring back to a man who should have placed it on my finger at the altar, I had to wake up alone instead of waking up with you on our honeymoon.” I choke out. Now it was my turn to exhale, “You can’t punish me because you don’t like the outcome of your consequences. Even if it doesn’t work out with Ru, there’s going to be someone else who will cherish me. You need to let this go. You need to letmego.”

Greyson gets up from the table, pushes the chair in, and walks out of the front door without another word.
