Page 42 of Illusion of Loving

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I pull away from her lips, “It's okay, Taurus. You can come, but I’m going to make you come again until you pass out later tonight. Your choice.” I snicker kissing her once again.

It was her turn to pull away from our kiss and cry out. My grin widens as she digs her nails into my sweatpants. She decides to come and from the way her body is twitching, she came hard. She will be sensitive now.

I slide the bottle out and see that it's covered in her cum. She came a lot, I knew it. I lick the top of the bottle clean, missing the taste of her. The bottle is tossed, and I kiss Taurus’s hand. “I guess you're more sensitive than me.” I laugh.

“Fuck off.” She laughs. “Can we take a shower now?”

An idea arrives and I happily say. “Of course. Did you want to be carried?”

“Yes,” She says cutely with a slight pout.

I pick her up in my arms. “Such a needy girl you are.” I joke and she laughs with the biggest smile on her face.

I carry her to my master bath and set her down on the bench. I lift her dress off her and set it down on the side. She lies down comfortably on the bench as I fill the tub up with scented oil around the rim of the tub. I had picked up sweet scents for Taurus to bathe in. Since the guest house doesn’t have a tub, I left it in my master bathroom so she could enjoy it here.

I turn off the water once the tub is filled. “Did you fall asleep?” I snicker picking her up from the bench. She opens her eyes and giggles. Gradually, I put her into the bath and watch her lie back against the tub with a relaxing smile on her face.

“Does this feel better?” I ask, rubbing her soft cheek with my thumb.

She nods, “Join me.”

Taurus didn’t have to ask me twice. As I stripped out of my clothes, she had one eye open to watch me. I slip in behind her and she sits on my lap, resting her head on my chest. Her fingers travel down my arms, but I meet her fingers by grasping her hands in my own.

I kiss the back of her head and sigh happily, “These moments with you feel…phantasmagoric.”

“Huh?” She looks up.

“It’s like a dream.” I explain.

She bites her lip as she grins. She turns to face me, snaking her arms around my neck. “Is that how I make you feel, Ru?”

My eyes are semi-open as I get lost in her eyes. I don’t answer her, just kiss her, and continue to during the duration of our time in the bath. I knew then what I would design for her.

Chapter 12


Over the next few days, I was able to finally finish my project two days before the deadline. I walk into work with my head high. When I walk into the room, everyone looks at me and then looks away quickly, but I think nothing of it. Bryn is late today, and I just take a seat at an empty table with my project.

“Taurus come with me.” Bryn’s voice appears from the door.

I get up and Bryn tells me to leave my project. We reach a room but it’s not Ru’s office. The room is your standard round table meeting room. A woman is sitting at the end. I have never seen her before. Her curly blonde hair is the first thing that catches my attention.

Bryn gestures for me to sit. I sit next to the blonde at the table, and Bryn sits next to me. “Hello, Ms. Maxwell. I see that you are a promising designer at Young Ensemble.” She voices.

“Yes.” I nod.

Her smile brightens, “Well, just like Bryn, I am a person who has an eye for talent and wants to see if you would want to work for us over at QB Style.”

My eyes grow in size. QB Style is a company paved by Quinn Baxterdale. If girl power fashion were a company, it would be QB Style. Quinn Baxterdale grew up in Queens and made a name for herself in the fashion industry by the time she was sixteen in the 1940s. Creating jobs for women whose husbands left to fight in the war.

It would be amazing to work for a brand like them, but Young Ensemble is where I need to be, and I know that. “I appreciate it, but…” I start.

“Before you finish that thought, really think about it.” She slides a business card over to me, “Don’t feel pressured to stay. Bryn and I are old friends and there are no hard feelings.”

I take the card to be polite and she leaves.

Bryn clears his throat, “What do you think?” Bryn asks.
