Page 43 of Illusion of Loving

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“It’s an amazing company but being here is my dream.” I smile, “I wonder how she even heard about me. I mean I have submitted my work to many companies for years and they never respond...”

Bryn narrows his eyes slightly. “I see you finished your project.” He says changing the conversation.

“Yes. It’s ready to go.” Bryn looks up in thought, but he gets interrupted by a text.

Bryn groans and looks back at me. “Ru wants to see you in his office…” I get up from the table and excuse myself.

Making my way to Ru’s office, everyone is staring at me again. I walk into his office, and he tells me to close the door behind me.

“What’s up?” I ask.

He sighs, “It seems there’s a bit of a rumor going around about our relationship.”

Are you serious? “How?” I sigh.

“I’m sure Greyson’s opening his big mouth again, but it doesn’t matter. I could care less if everyone knows about us, but I know you don’t want to be, as you put it, ‘the girl who is sleeping with her boss’.” He runs his finger through his flawless mahogany brown hair.

Is that why Bryn let me have that meeting with QB Style? To get rid of me before it becomes a bigger scandal.

I push a strand of hair behind my ear, “A woman from QB Style was here today and asked me if I wanted to work for them. If you think I should leave the company, I understand. I don’t want to put you in an awkward situation at work, we should have been more discrete.”

Ru looks at me confused. His eyes squint as he narrows them at me. “What woman?”

“Well, Bryn called me into the meeting room to meet with her. I didn’t understand why a huge brand like that would want me, but I know now.”

Ru was visibly pissed. “What the fuck is he thinking?” Ru snarls.

“I don’t think he was doing it maliciously. They are an amazing fashion brand. Maybe he thought if I worked somewhere else the rumors would stop. Damage control and all that.”

Ru scoffed, “You're not going anywhere. I don't give a fuck! Even if a sex tape came out.” He pauses, “I need to talk to him.”

“Not to overstep, but is there a chance you could wait for Bryn to tell you? I don’t want him to think I snitched.” I plead.

Ru grins smugly, “Who’s asking? My designer or…”

“As your partner, I am pleading with you to not bring this up to him.”

Ru is positively smiling now, “My partner…I like the sound of that. That sounds like exclusivity…”

“It is. You’re all mine.” I lean over the desk and pull him into a kiss.

Ru deepens the kiss, but quickly calms himself and pulls away slowly. “Taurus Maxwell, at work? How scandalous…” He teases.

“I might just let you fuck me over this desk.” I pause, “After hours of course.” I add.

Ru burst out laughing, “Of course.”

The rest of the day was filled with Bryn going over my project, which he didn't like that much, but fashion is subjective.

When the day ends, I walk out of work. Ru and I usually go home together, but he will be there for another hour and so I walk down the street looking for something to do.

“Finally.” I hear a familiar voice. “So, you do work here.”

My body turns and I see my mother. I walk away ignoring her. She catches up with me and grabs my hand. “What?!” I shout.

Several people look at us and I quiet down. “I have been looking for you.” She states.

I exhale, “What do you want?”
