Page 50 of Illusion of Loving

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She shifts slightly when I remove my finger. “Let’s sleep on my bed tonight. This bed is completely soaked.” Taurus exhales.

I grab a towel and clean any remaining cum. I reach for another towel to dry her hair and another to dry her body. Going through my drawers I find a comfortable shirt and pass it to her. Once it’s on, I pick her up in my arms, and she groans softly as I carry her to her bedroom.

Chapter 14


A Year Ago

When someone breaks your heart, what is your first reaction? Mine was anger and then complete sadness.

As I took off my dress from the engagement party, I fell to the floor and wailed. The ring on my finger that was once a sign of love, had now been tainted. I pulled it off, left it on the counter, and cried myself to sleep.

A couple of days later, Greyson called multiple times, but I never answered, and soon after I just got sick of him and blocked him. I couldn’t understand how he could be cruel enough to even try and speak with me. The excuses I know he was ready to tell me again. The rehearsed apologies, looking for a way back in. I had enough of it, and I decided to focus on my career and nothing else.


Ru was in the middle of getting prepared with me for Lily’s party, which we had to hustle through since we overslept and woke up late. I guess that’s what happens when you decide it’s a visionary idea to be fucking at three in the morning.

“Which lipstick looks better? The nude, red, or burgundy?” I ask as Ru puts on his cuff links.

He stares for a second and ponders, “Burgundy.” He answers.

Ru holds my face in his hands, “I don’t think I have seen you dressed up this much since we first met.” He chuckles.

“Do you like me dressed up?” I flirt as I stand on my tippy toes to kiss his neck.

He exhales softly, “Dressed up, casual, or naked, I enjoy every facet that you are willing to share with me.”

Ru can’t be this fucking perfect. He just can’t be. What are the red flags I’m not seeing? I can’t make the same mistake with Ru that I did with Greyson. I was so in love with the idea of a man that cared for me that I ignored all the obvious red flags in front of me. It could be that Ru doesn’t have any red flags, but for some reason, this time around I have my eyes completely open, and I hope that I don’t miss anything.

Once we are done getting our attire ready for the night, we make our way over to the venue. Ru opens my door and hands over the keys to the valet along with a tip.

“Not going to lie to you, I am a bit nervous,” I confess as we walk into the party.

Ru kisses my hand, “Don’t be. Just be yourself and they’ll be just as enamored with you as I am.”

The butterflies in my stomach settle. “Wén, you made it.” A man walks up to Ru, and they hug.

“I told you I was, Redd.” Ru greets. “Redd, this is my girl, Taurus. Taurus, this is Ben Reddy Liu, but we just call him Redd. This poor man is also Lily’s husband. I have been sending him care packages ever since.” Ru jokes.

“Good to meet you.” I greet shaking Redd’s hand. “How do you guys know each other?” I ask.

“Back in high school, we were on the football team together,” Redd explains. Then he turns to Ru and says, “Just a warning, Nolan is here. Vera and he are a thing now and Lily didn’t realize it until Vera got here with him.”

This Nolan and Ru have some animosity I’m assuming. I wonder what he did. “What did he do if you don’t mind me asking?” I whisper.

“Nolan was on the football team with us in high school. He had a habit of trying to be overly competitive. That guy is a fucking tool.” Redd explains.

“Ah.” I take in the information and nod.

“Don’t think too hard about it. Enjoy and eat. Lily is on the phone with the babysitter, but she’ll come back inside soon.” Redd says before walking away.

Ru and I look through the venue and see the beautiful view of the city on the spacious terrace. “Do you want a drink?” Ru asks as I lean on the balcony.

“Sure, surprise me,” I reply kissing him just before he wanders off.

I stand alone on the balcony and the warm air kisses my skin. A hand hugs my shoulder and I turn around to see Lily.
