Page 56 of Illusion of Loving

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I’m busy.


Planning for your wedding? How romantic. Does that mean I get to come on the honeymoon?


Really? That would be kind of hot actually. I get two of you for the price of one.


What about tomorrow night? Will you have time then?


Damn Taurus’s mom is needy. I thought this whole MILF idea would be hot but it’s getting annoying.

“How many children do you want?” Taurus asks.

I turn around and look at her confused, “Children?”

She exhales laughing, “Yes, how many?”

“One seems fine, I guess,” I answer.

Her eyes glow with excitement. “I think two would be great. I wish I had siblings growing up. Every kid needs someone to have their backs, you know?” She gleams.

I didn’t want kids anytime soon or maybe ever. I don’t hate kids, but I want to live life to the fullest and kids are a lifetime commitment.


That’s the way I felt back then, but now. If Taurus took me back, I would want that life with her now. Why can’t she understand that I didn’t want that life so soon? It didn’t mean I didn’t love her. I didn’t want to be a husband and father before thirty. Jeez, does that make me a fucking villain? I did the best I could to make her happy, but she wanted more, and I just didn’t at the time.


This atmosphere feels familiar. It reminds me of a time when my father and I looked at butterflies. As I turn around, I can feel Ru’s glare and I will receive a well-deserved treat later on. Looking a bit to the right, Greyson is just there, leaning against the wall. His stare tries to connect with my own, but I turn my head back to his grandfather. Having to stay under the same roof with the pyro who probably burned my house down makes me ill.

“This was Ru when he was younger, so you know your children will be cute.” Mick chuckles as he shows me Ru as a little kid, holding his mother’s and father’s hand. He’s wearing a light blue scarf and a little suit.

“He’s so cute!” I squeal, Ru has been adorable his entire life. “His cheeks are so chubby. The buzz cut and scarf really tie it all together.”

“One day he lost it at school, and he cried for an entire week about that damn blue scarf.”

“Dramatic little thing, huh?” I joke.

“Very dramatic.” Mick agrees.

Mick looks like a clone of Ru when he was younger. Their genetics are no joke. At least Ru is only going to get more attractive with time.

“What was Ru like as a teenager? I heard he was a football player, but I honestly can’t even picture it.” I giggle.

“Oh yes. He was in football for the entire time he was in high school. Ru has always been similar to me very go-with-the-flow kind of person. It takes a lot to get him pissed off. Even when he’s pissed off, he’ll try to not resort to violence if he doesn’t have to. I think he’s only been in one physical fight and that was a difficult day for everybody.” Mick explains.

Ru walks up to us and intertwines his hand with my own. “Let’s unpack and get comfortable. We have plans for tomorrow, so take it easy today.”

“So, you didn’t come here to visit your loving parents?” Mick asks, wiping away invisible tears.

“Partially.” Ru answers. “Don’t worry, you will get ample time with her.”
