Page 66 of Illusion of Loving

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He smirks, “Of course they are. You’re hard not to stare at.” He kisses my neck softly.

I push him off me playfully and he kisses my hand. “Okay, let me get out of this.” He says before running back to change.

In the end, we didn’t get anything, which is typical of me. I must be a serial window shopper. We went to a few more shops, but nothing caught my eye.

“I think we should go back before we come back to a crime scene,” I suggest.

Ru sighs, I’m sure it’s at the thought of having to go back to the house, but I want to make sure that Ms. Young is okay. Dealing with illogical parents can be very tough and unfortunately, I didn’t have anybody there to have my back. Ms. Young does have people to have her back like Mick, but she’ll need all the backup that she can get.

“Come on, let’s go back to the house. Do not worry I’m not here to spoil your fun. We will have a long rewarding time in the pool tonight, and it has a hot tub as well so I’m sure that will come into play at some time.” I purr into his ear.

“A drink by the pool does sound nice.” Ru hums.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” My nail passed over his cheek.

He flashes his perfect teeth at me and put his arm around me. “I know you will.”

When we arrive back at the house, the moon is out, it’s pitch black outside, and it’s dead quiet. I’m guessing that Ms. Young’s mother and father have left. Ru goes up to the room to change out of his suit and I run to the pool with fruit and blankets. When I get there, I find Ms. Young sitting by the pool.

“Hello, Ms. Young.” I greet softly.

She takes a sip of her wine and looks over at me. “Happy Birthday, Taurus.” She congratulates. “How was the show yesterday?”

“It was amazing. Nothing like I have ever seen before.” I pull my hair up into a bun. “But how are you doing?”

She lights a cigarette and takes a puff. “You know after all this time I thought that my parents truly came to apologize and to catch up on all these missed years, but the only reason they came was that my father had a bad gambling habit. They had not spoken to me in over twenty years, and they finally show me their faces just to criticize me and my son. Then have the audacity to ask for money. I should have let Mick kill them, but I just kicked them out instead.” She laughs pitifully. She puts out the cigarette, “I'm sorry to burden you will all this bullshit.”

I shake my head rapidly, “Ms. Young, It’s not a burden at all. Please feel free to speak with me.” I smile, “I’m sure you remember meeting my psychotic mother. I wish she would leave me alone. She painted the worst image in my head of what a mother should be and act like. Meeting you felt like a shock. You are such a sweet and good person. I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to be a part of your life.”

Ms. Young giggles and puts an arm around me, “You don’t have to call me ‘Ms. Young,’ you know. Call me Yi, from the looks of how Ru has been looking at you. You might even be calling meMasoon.” She continues.

I had not even thought about that. Would Ru ever want to marry me? I’m getting ahead of myself; it’s only been a couple of months and his mother’s already mentioning marriage.


“Have you seen your mother?” My father asks at the bottom of the stairs.

I cross my arms, “I haven’t. Did you check the pool?” I ask. He shakes his head ‘no.’

We walk out to the pool and the moon is lighting the way as we walk. There on the outside furniture,Maand Taurus have fallen asleep together.Mais cuddling Taurus, as Taurus has her head buried in my mother’s arm.

“That’s cute.” My father says stroking my mother’s head. “Time to separate the lovely pair.”

I chuckle at my father’s comment, and we go to pick up our women. Taurus shifts in my arms. Our poolside adventure is going to be played out at another time.

“Ru…?” Taurus wakes.

I stop myself from taking another step. “Did I wake you?”

She looks up at me and with a drowsy voice, asks, “Fuck, how long was I asleep for?”

“Not long. If I had to guess, thirty minutes. Everyone’s gone to sleep.”

It’s almost as if she awakens completely. “Then let’s enjoy the pool.” She hums.

I set her down and she stands still. “What?” She raises a brow. “I thought you would want to take my clothes off. Should I do it myself?” She teases.

I smirk and take a seat on the bench behind me. “Yes, go ahead and put on a show for me. The only thing I should be staring at in the next few seconds is the curve of your hips, that pretty pussy, and even lovelier tits.” I order smoothly.
