Page 67 of Illusion of Loving

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“Yes sir.” She answers as always. Those dark, hypnotic eyes send me into a trance where I feel the compulsion to do whatever she says. That gaze holds me in a fucking death grip, and I hope she doesn’t let go and kills me.

She is left in her panties and as she goes to pull them down, I stop her, “Wait.”

I walk up to her and dig my thumb into the strings of her panties. Her eyes stare back into mine with a pang of intense hunger. My fingers slide down to her hips, and once I grip them firmly…I push her straight into the pool.

She pops out of the water and glares. “How’s the temperature?” I laugh.

“It’s warm, come in and see for yourself. So that I may have the pleasure of drowning you.” She laughs sarcastically.

I get into the pool and smile nervously, “No need to drown me, brown eyes.”

“No, there is a need.” She barks back.

I reach out my arms for her and she swims into them. Her warm, soft, glowing, brown skin illuminated under the light of the moon, and it felt as if the heavens had put a spotlight on this radiant woman. Her arms wrap around my neck and her legs snake around me as well. She rests her head on my shoulder and we drift in the water.

“I’m excited about your gallery opening. It’s in a few months, right?” Taurus mumbles.

My arms snake around her back. “Yes, but lies are starting to spread already.”

She lifts her head and looks into my eyes, “What lies?”

“About investors pulling out. This tends to happen when doing openings. A considerable amount of people in this industry, want others to fail, that is how they stay on top.”

“Seems, soul-crushing.”

I chuckle lightly, “Not as bad as you would believe.”

“I hope so.” She puts her head back down on my shoulder.

“Ready to go home tomorrow?” I ask as I stroke her wet curls.

She grumbles softly, “No, but I’m itching to get home and start working on Lily’s dress.”

That’s right, Lily did ask her to make something. “Making a replica?” I ask.

“No, she wanted it in black. So, the first thing I need to do is to pick up fabric, and then I will be focused on making the dress for a few weeks.”

“No distractions, huh?” I whisper into her ear.

“Not a one.” She firmly replies, but quickly moves to face me. Her lips hover over my own, letting me feel the heat from her body. “Unless thisdistractiongave me the justification to lose my focus.”

I grip the back of her hair harshly so that her head is leaning back a bit. “It might.”

She swallows quietly.

The Next Day


Waking up was bittersweet. We woke up to a breakfast feast cooked by Mick. Ms. Young set at the table and spoke to me about any of my upcoming designs. Ru and his father talked about something, but I wasn’t listening. Ms. Young begged us to stay for another week, but Ru knew he wouldn’t hear the end from Bryn.

Besides, I had to make sure that I got Lily’s dress done in the next three weeks for her event. She and I had been texting about what she wanted the dress for. Lily is throwing an event for some kind of product by which she is sponsored. I didn’t get too much into the details because I was so excited about her even asking me to make her dress for the event. If I make sure to knuckle down and focus on the dress, I will be able to finish it within three weeks. I have to. This is my chance to truly show people what kind of designer I am. I can’t afford to fail here.

We said our goodbyes to Ru’s mother and father. Of course, there was no sign of Greyson, but it was better that way. I didn’t want to see his face, but I better make my peace with being around him at some point. If this situation between Ru and I is turning into something real and tangible, then I’m going to have to tolerate that he’s going to be in proximity sometimes. I’m gonna have to find unanimity within myself.

The plane ride back home was about a day’s travel just like before. That I remember since I was asleep during the first trip to China in the first place. When we landed, I slept theentire day. I don’t even remember getting off the jet. The only thing I remember is waking up in Ru’s bed and feeling his arms wrapped tightly around me. His body shifted slightly as he continued to pull me in tighter to him. I watched him as he slept and wondered what could be running through his mind right now. What I would give to glance into his dreams.

A knock comes on the door and I try to get up to answer it, but I’m pretty locked in. I giggle and try to shift another time to break loose from my handsome captor. After a couple of minutes, I break free and go to answer the door. When I open it there was a police officer.
