Page 68 of Illusion of Loving

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“Uh...hi?” Why is there a police officer here?

“Hello, my name is Officer Walker. I’m looking for Greyson Michael Daniels. Is he here?”

Chapter 18


I look at the officer confused, “No.”

“Alright, thank you. If you see him just let him know I’m looking for him.” The officer gets back into his car and drives away.

Why was there an officer here for him at all? If I had asked the officer why he was looking for him, he possibly would’ve told me. Is this connected to the fire at my house? No, the officer would’ve informed me of that I’m sure. Then again, not if he wasn’t sure for certain. What the hell did the police want with Greyson?

“You’re up? Good, You were so tired from the plane ride that we never got to see your birthday present.” Ru yawns. Before I can even get excited about what my birthday present is, I of course have to tell him that a cop just came to the door asking about his son.

“There was a police officer at the door looking for Greyson. He asked me if he was here, and I said no and then he left.” I explain quickly.

Ru puts his finger to his temple as if he has a headache and sighs. “That’s it? He just left.” Ru asks.

“Yeah, he just left. It was very weird. It didn’t feel like a cop looking for someone. He didn’t look serious at all; he was smiling the entire time he was talking to me.”

I cannot believe you blocked my number. We need to talk, this is important. Greyson too, but he doesn’t have to be there.


When the fuck has anything ever been profoundly important to my mother? To her everything is crucial, anything that has to do with her is significant. I decide not to reply and just ignore the text for the time being. I have too much on my plate right now to deal with her bullshit. I don’t have the patience or the time.

As I look at Ru, I see the stress on his face from what I told him. “Ru?” I call.

Ru begins to laugh softly, but I honestly believe he doesn’t find anything funny right now. “I don’t know who my son is. Greyson has been alive for twenty-nine years and I always felt like I knew exactly who he was. Yet, now it feels like I’m dealing with a stranger. It makes me think about everything I’ve ever thought about him. It’s hard for me to see him in such a light. I mean this is my kid, a kid that is a reflection of my parenting. It makes me think about if I was even a good parent or not. Was there something that I missed? Did I not talk to him enough? I don’t know what it is and it scares me. When I look at him, I just see my kid and it doesn’t register in my mind the actions that he’s chosen to follow through with.”

I wish I could offer him kind words and understanding, But I can’t. I have never been a mother or even been a surrogate mother to a child. My childhood has painted a version of parenting that does not exist for every child. My idea of a parent has a pretty grim outlook. I wasn’t around to watch Ru be a parent and so I can’t give him the confidence that he did his best. He has to believe that he did his best. I can’t help but feel guilty, the strain on the relationship is my fault. Seeing Ru upset like this, makes my heart ache to a nauseating degree. I don’t want to be a strain on his relationship with Greyson, but I’m also not going to allow Greyson to ruin my chance to love again. I’m not going to run away and allow him to win.

“Ru, I can see that your relationship with your son is stressing you out. I apologize because I am the cause of that, but If you’re thinking of ending our relationship, you better think of a separate way to make amends with your son, because I am not letting you go.” I blurt out.

Ru grabs my arm and pulls me close to his chest. “Why would I ever want to leave you? You’re lucky if I let you escape from me, Taurus.” He pushes a strand of hair from my face, “The situation does have me a bit exhausted, I will admit that, but I’m not exhausted with you. You are completely wrong; you are not to blame yourself for his actions. You have brought nothing but joy into my life, you could never be a strain.” Ru proclaims.

From the conviction in his tone to his words, even the way his eyes look into me as he says them. I know that he means every word.

Ru runs a finger through his hair. “Enough of the bullshit of this morning, I want to show you your birthday gift.” He says softly, sincerely this time.

I give him a pleasing smile, “Okay.” I reply.

He walks me into the sewing room and the entire room has been redone. The sewing table is not in the middle of the room anymore but is now more pressed up against the wall. It looks like an office. There is a beautiful white marble desk, with a sleek black chair behind it. Then on that same desk, there is a box. I pick up the box that requires a key. Ru hands me the key he gave me and I open it. Inside is a hair stick. Yet, this hair stick isn’t made out of metal, it’s made out of gold. There are aquamarine gemstones embedded in the lining of the hair stick. Whoever made this, did an amazing job. Theartisanshipalone is remarkable.

“Where did you buy this? This is beautifully made. I don’t know how to describe it, but the mindfulness and the caution they took in making this is incredible.”

“I made it.” Ru states.

“You made this?”

“Yes, Redd specializes in gems. I told him that I wanted to make this piece myself. He taught me exactly what I needed to do to create it. I am so glad I did. It took me a while to make it perfect, but it’s worth it to see the expression on your face right now.” He beams.

The joy in his eyes makes me gleeful. He takes the hair stick out of my hand and gathers my hair. He sticks it in my hair, and it holds in place. I look at myself in the mirror with this custom-made hair stick. “This is the most thoughtful gift I have ever gotten. Thank you, Ru.” I continue to admire it in the mirror.

Standing on my toes, I grip his hand and pull him down on my lips. He licks his lips slightly and then crashes his lips into my own. I will never get tired of kissing Ru, touching him, and feeling this emotion with him. “We are not done yet. I turned this room into an office for you. It must be hard to design in the guesthouse. This makes it easier to stay organized. I acquired the best fabrics for your designs, you’ll be able to get to work as soon as possible.” He explains.

“Really?” I look at him with amazement in my eyes.
