Page 74 of Illusion of Loving

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As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right.

He leaves after that. I sit there and think about everything that just happened and I’m not sure what to make of it all.


Sentiments overwhelmed me and I try to keep calm aware that Tasmin tried to kill my son. I make a few calls to Zola. Restraining orders will be put in place. Should we move? I’ll have to ask Taurus about that. I’m sure she’s up by now to finish that dress for Lily.


I have been working on this dress ever since Ru left the house. I knew if he were home, he would have forced me to sleep. I only slept for four hours, which I’m sure is fine. By the looks of it, it will be a two-week process. So, I’ll be able to finish a week earlier than she needs. I just need to keep on schedule.

A knock comes on the door, and it takes me out of my flow. I run over and Greyson is standing there. The look on his face is haunting, he looks defeated. “I’m not here to bother you, I just needed to see you.” His entire demeanor seems serious, but with his antics, I’m ready for anything.

“Why?” I don’t let him in. I don’t trust him, especially not with Ru being gone.

“Are you going to invite me in?” He asks.

I adamantly answer, “No.”

He shakes the back of his hair. “That’s fair.” He sighs. “I just wanted to say that I won’t bother you anymore. I fucked up and you deserve to be happy. I hope one day I will be able to gain your trust again. I’m still not in any state to tell you I don’t want my father to drown, so I can be with you again, but I won’t interfere with your relationship again.”

Is he being serious right now or is this another dumb attempt at manipulating me?

“I know you don’t believe me, but I’ll prove it to you one day.” He puts his hands in his pocket. “Taurus, you won’t be seeing me again for some time. I’ll let my dad update you.”

“On what?” A pang of fear begins in my chest.

“It’s better if you hear it from him.”

“Hear what?”

Chapter 20


At my office, my mind felt heavier than ever before. What the fuck am I going to do with Tasmin? I can’t take her threats lightly at this point. Sitting at my desk I go through ideas on how to go about this situation.

Zola walks through my office door and sits in front of me. “The restraining orders are processing, Mr. Wén.”

“Good.” I twiddle with the pen in my hand.

Zola clears his throat, “Security will be added daily. I have also found a list of properties that are more secluded to purchase.”

I think about what Taurus will say when I tell her all of this. No matter what happens I have to make sure that even if she tries to run that I chase her. She should’ve never let me make that promise. I will go to the ends of the world for this remarkable woman.


Greyson went on to tell me the whole ordeal with my fucking mother. She’s a fucking sociopath on every level. She tortured me my entire life, and now she wants to try to get into my good graces? What is the point of all this? Why the fuck would she think getting rid of Greyson would make me forgive her? There is no rhyme or reason to her schemes. How can a person claim to love someone else and do the things that they do? How can you sit there and abuse your child for so long and then claim to love it? I have never been able to understand her emotions or her thought process. What could she possibly gain in getting me back? Is she just sadistic and wants to see the despair in my eyes if she succeeds in her plan? I want to forget everything I just heard and just escape into a reality where I have a parent that didn’t die and another parent that didn’t slowly take away my will to live.

Six Years Ago

“Get out,” I say walking to my mother’s room.

She looks at me with wide eyes, “Excuse me?”

“This house is in my name, but you knew that. Right? I want you out by the end of the day. I’m done with you. Don’t ever come back here, don’t contact me, forget I exist, because I surely will forget that you do.”

“You’re being ridiculous.” My mother scoffs.
