Page 75 of Illusion of Loving

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“No.” I pause, “Not kicking you out earlier was me being ridiculous.”


“I am sorry, Taurus,” Greyson says. “I am fighting everything to stay, but I know it’s selfish to stay because you havehimnow.” I do have Ru. He is everything I could ever want and need.

I see Ru pulling up in his car. He gets out and with a stern look he asked Greyson, “What are you doing here?”

Greyson scoffs, “I was just leaving.” He walks but stops when he reaches Ru. “I’m leaving for your sake and hers. You better fucking protect her. If anything happens to her, I’ll kill you, Dad. I mean it.”

Ru nods, “I know.”

Greyson walks past his father, gets in his car, and drives off.

“Welcome home.” I greet.

Ru smiles and picks me up in his arms, “Glad to be home.” He greets me as his lips capture my own. He gently sets me back down, but his arms are still wrapped around my waist. “I’m guessing Greyson told you about my eventful day.”

“He did. I’m sorry all this is happening. I have brought so much bullshit into your life.” I sigh as I look down at my feet.

His arms grip me even tighter. “Trying to run from me, my brown-eyed girl? I like a good chase, don’t tempt me.” His cool breath caressed my ear. “Don’t make me have to remind you about what you mean to me. I’d hate to leave you sore all week when you have a deadline to adhere to.”

The heat in my cheeks rises and I don’t dare look into this man’s eyes as he whispers these sweet nothings. “You can’t ease my guilt, Ru.” I try and stand my ground, but he knows very well the effect he has on me.

“Maybe I can’t, but I can help you forget for just a bit. Even if I can give you a moment of peace, I’ll take it.” He declares.

“When you make love to me, I don’t want it to be to forget, I want it to be a moment we remember,” I whisper as I lift my head and kiss him.

He looks at me a bit sadly, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

I shake my head, “Don’t ever apologize for worrying about me.”

“I always do.”

A smile cracks on my face, “Yeah…me too.”

Ru clears his throat, “I wanted to talk to you about this at a later time, but since you know already, we need to move.”

“Are you sure? You just got this house built.”

Ru’s thumb caresses my cheek, “I just want to be where you are. It will be fun to find a home with you. You and my mother were right, this house isn’t ‘homey’ at all. Besides, picking out a home together would make living there more special.”

My heart aches at us taking this step. “Please tell me this isn’t just because of safety.” I clear my throat.

“No, Taurus. Of course not. I want to build a future with you. This is just speeding up a process for which I had already wished. You are my future, Taurus Maxwell. I have fallen deeply for you. I can picture our future clear as day.” He proclaims. He…loves me? “This isn’t how I wanted to tell you, but...”

“Here we are...” I finish.

He leans his forehead against mine, “Yes, here we are.”

His arms unravel a bit. “I know you have to keep working on the dress, but if you have time, we can go look at houses tomorrow.”

“I would love to take the first step in us building a life together.” The biggest grin on my face causes Ru to flash a smile in return.

Ru truly has the gift of making me forget all my worries.

“Fuck, I am keeping you forever…” I hug him tightly.

“Is that a promise?”
