Page 84 of Illusion of Loving

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“Don’t get excited just yet, we still have wines to taste.” He chuckles.

“Tease,” I mumble.

When we finish painting. I get up to look at what Ru has painted, but he stands in my way before I can get a look. “We can look at the art after tasting the wine.” He suggests.

“Sure.” I nod.

Ru wraps his arm around my waist as we walk to the building. When we arrive, there arepeoplethere ready to greet us. “Hello, we have been expecting you.” They greet in unison.

They let us choose from a few on the vintages. “Please allow us some privacy,” Ru says.

They nod, “Of course.”

They leave the room, giving us our privacy. “How’s the wine?” Ru, ask as he swirls the wine in his glass.

I close my eyes and relish the taste, “It’s sweet.”

Along the table we are sitting at, there are fruits and pastries. “It pairs well with many desserts. Please pick all the ones you like; we will need to fill up the space in the wine cellar. I took the liberty of ordering some of my favorites to the house already.”

My hand slides from the back of his neck to the side of it. He taps his legs; I take off my sneakers and put my legs on top of his. He scoots in closer, than we already are, holding me in his arms.

“I look at our new home and imagine our children running around it.” He smiles. “The chilly air makes me nostalgic. Greyson loved playing in the snow. We always did when my classes were canceled during those harsh winters...”

I laugh at the thought of a tiny Greyson playing in the snow. I can’t wait for us to have children. “Do you think Michael is ready to be aye yeagain?” I snicker.

He smiles, “Brushing up on your Mandarin I see. And yes, he is ready to be a grandfather again. I don’t know if he will be happy with two more, he wants five more at least.”

“I don’t know about that, but we can negotiate.” I narrow.

“Two is fine.” His fingers playing with a piece of my curly hair.


The light coming from the outside shines on Taurus. If she didn’t look angelic already, her stunning brown skin shines as the light sets on her. Her brown eyes appeared a bit lighter than usual. I leave kisses down her neck, feeding her frenzy. Seeing her so ready for me feeds the quiet beast inside me. The way she is itching for me to fuck her right here. Yet, I will not indulge her. Leaving her stirring is much more fun. Besides, this outing is more for Taurus than me, to help Taurus forget her mother. The nightmares have been reoccurring lately and I want them to cease.

“Lily is at her networking party, she sent me pictures.” Taurus brings up. She shows me the pictures of Lily in the dress Taurus created for her. Lily looks beautiful. Taurus is incredible, her skills only have improved since we met. She only keeps perfecting her craft. She works incredibly hard on every project, and it might be the most attractive personality trait she has. The last few days she worked on the dress, and I had to force her to sleep.

“You’re blushing.” I point out. “Don’t tell me Lily looks that beautiful? First that model brat, and now this.” I narrow.

She holds her cheeks, “Bullshit, Skylar is not my type by any means.” She groans cutely. “It’s cold out, I’m probably getting frostbite.”

“I’m serious you are, even your nose is a bit pink. It’s cute.” I continue.

A laugh breaks out between us, and we hold each other closer. “Why don’t we take a walk by the lake, there are rowboats. We could use one.” I suggest.

Her arms wrap around my neck. Her brownish-pink, plump, lips press into a line. “Yeah, let’s do it.”

We finish our glasses of wine, then take a trail between captivating enormous trees. It’s a bit chilly out. Maybe we shouldn’t get on the boat today.

“Oh, they’re so cute!” Taurus squeals. “I have never been on a boat before. These rowboats look fun.”

Her face is lit up with excitement, so I guess being on for a bit won’t hurt. I’ll just have to be careful.

I hold the boat steady and let her climb in. I follow in after her and the boat takes a second to mellow out. I take an oar and begin rowing.

“The last time I was on a rowboat was with my mom. I was little and she had to force me on it. I cried the whole time.” I reminisce.

“God, you were a brat. First, the scarf, and now this. You were a handful of a child.” She shakes with laughter.
