Page 85 of Illusion of Loving

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I roll my eyes, “I was not that bad.”

“Your father says otherwise.” She shoots back. “He made sure to tell me what a rotten little brat you were.”

“Oh?” I raise a brow.

“But you’re so relaxed now. I kind of want to see you fussy.”

I’m a bit taken aback by her statement. “Fussy?” I question.

Taurus nods with a smug smile. “You don’t like my words? Should you do something about it?”

She’s still itching for me to touch her. My sweet, brown-eyed girl. I will make you wait. Your playful words wouldn’t break me. Being able to control when you come is going to be the highlight of the day.


Ru's inner sadist is showing. He won't fuck me, and I know it's because he wants to control when I come. His kink is keeping me from being fucked on a rowboat. Fine, I’ll let this tease have his fun.

A mother duck and her ducklings float by. “Hi, little ducks.” I greet.

As my head sticks out of the boat my earring falls off and goes into the water. “Fuck.” I growl.

I lean over the boat and stick my arm into the water. “Taurus, my arm is longer. Let me get it.” Ru chimes.

I shake my head, “You are too big, you’ll tip us both over. I can get it.” I insist.

“Fine but be careful please.” His tone seems worrisome.

I try and reach the earring, “Ugh.” I groan once again.

“Forget it. We can order new ones to replace that one.” Ru continues.

I ignore him again; he grabs me and sits me back down. “I almost had it,” I growl.

“The water is freezing. If you fall in, you could risk having an asthma attack.” His hands grab mine apologetically.

Oh, I didn’t even think about that. I don’t get them often enough to remember to be careful about stuff like that. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” I start. “You’re right it can be replaced.”

His phone rings and he ignores the call.

“Your phone is ringing.” I point out.

He looks down at his pocket, then back at me, “We’re on a date. It can wait.”

“Okay.” A smile pulled through.

“I think I’ve kept you long enough.” He finally says. “Come here.” He beckons.

With the biggest smile, I watch him lie down. I climb on top of him and kiss him. His hand grips the back of my thigh and I grip his hair.

His phone rings. Again.

I pull away from the kiss, “It must be important.”

We get back up and he answers, “Yes?”

His eyes widen, “What hospital?” He barely says.

Hospital?! What’s going on?
