Page 90 of Illusion of Loving

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It’s strange writing to an older version of you.If you’re reading this, you are either confused about why I decided to write this or areaboutto get married. I hope that I’m standing there waiting to walk you down the aisle, but if worse comes to worst and I’m not, then I’m watching from the shitty seats. I can curse now because you are over eighteen. You look beautiful in your dress.Knowing you, your faceispuffyfrom crying.I hope your partner is someone special that holds you when you are sad, fills your belly with food, and they better be financially stable. I’m sure you can manage on your own, but itdoes nothurt. Also, I hope your partner makes you laugh.You have the sweetest laugh. Funny enough, you're laughing right now as I’m writing this.You are playing with your favorite toy as you lie next to me in the hospital. Anyways,do notcry too much at your wedding,you willhate the photos.I love you more than anything. Congrats!

-Love Daddy

The tears fight to come out once again as I read my father’s letter.When my nerves are calmed. I get up, still holding onto her hand and I go to the door. I take that risk of loving someone and hoping that they will continue to love me back. I take the risk of wanting to be happy.

The doors open, revealing Ru standing there. He looks amazing in his all-black suit. He stands there with his hand over the other as he watches me walk down this aisle. He honestly looks like he’s about to cry, but I don’t think he is going to do that anytime soon. Those dark, deep, brilliant, brown eyes absorb my entire being at this moment, and I have never felt so wanted.


Today Taurus becomes my wife and I become her husband. I stand at the end of the aisle, waiting for my wife to walk down it. Waiting for the woman of my dreams to marry me. The future I saw for us has become even clearer than before. Taurus looks like an angel walking down this aisle. I wasn’t surprised by the dress that she chose, it was the most meaningful one I designed for her. I never got to meet her father, but he must’ve been a sweet, good man to be loved by a woman so incredible. This is the beginning of the rest of my life, and I couldn’t be more honored.

Everyone is in attendance today for the wedding. My friends are here, my family; even my son. Although, he is sitting in the back and wearing sunglasses. Probably to better hide the fact that he’s glaring at me under those glasses. I didn’t expect him to show up, but he did. He still has a lot of growing up to do, just like everyone else, but I am glad to see that the love between my son and I is not as fragile as he made it out to be.

Taurus continues to walk down the aisle until she reaches me. She glances up at me with those starry eyes and they shine as bright as they always have, if not brighter. I have never been in love. To fall in love with someone is an incredible thing, but to grow with someone beside you for the rest of your life is a blessing. This woman standing in front of me is that blessing, and I will continue to nurture the blessing I have been given.


6 Years Later


A book falls to the floor and Ru decides to push down on his home office desk to keep the noise down before he continues to fuck me against his desk. My legs wrapped around him tightly.

“That’s it. Let me hear you beg me, again. What a vocal wife I have.” He groans. “Can’t you beg with my fingers down your throat?”

My body is shuttering as each thrust fills deeper than the last. I gag from his fingers, and he gently removes them.

“I thought your gag reflex would be less sensitive by now. Guess I was wrong.”

I lick my lips. “Maybe I need a better trainer.”

He thrusts into me harshly and I moan too loudly. “Not too loud, Taurus. You’ll wake our children and then I’ll have to prolong your orgasm, which would be pleasurable for me.” I glare at him. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Ru sticks his hand under my shirt to grip my tit. His thumb plays with my nipple. Unhurried swirls continue simultaneously as his cock berates me with a series of leisure and powerful thrusts.

“I’m not begging anymore, I’m pleading. I’m pleading for you to let me come.”

Ru looks at me with those deep brown eyes and closes them. “Now, Taurus.” His hand moves away from my tit and grasps my hair as he comes inside me. He tugs harder on my hair as he comes down from his orgasm. Ru kisses me as I come to keep me quiet, but my cries are still a bit too loud.

Ru pulls on my hair so that I lay down on the desk. He spreads my legs.

“Look at all my cum pouring out of that perfect pussy of yours.” He awes watching his cum slide out of me.

I giggle, “Great, now there’s cum on your desk.”

“So, lick it up.” He challenges.

A knock comes on the door, and I can hear my son’s voice. “Mommy, toy!” Jian whines.

“You woke him up.” Ru teases.

I scoff, “No, you did. Go put him back in his bed. I need to clean up.”

Ru gives me a lingering kiss. He pulls away and says, “I’ll get him back in bed and properly take care of you when I return.” He promises.

I smile as Ru goes to get our four-year-old son, Jian. Our youngest son, Jules, is turning two in a couple of days and I can't help but feel anything other than peace.

As I clean myself up, I go into our hallway and look at all the achievements that I have reached in such a short amount of time. Being accepted by L.A.N.C.H and coming in second place, working at YoungEnsemble,and growing with everyone in the business.Openingan independent clothing line, marrying the man of my dreams, and bringing playful, healthy children into this world with the man I love is the life I had constantly desired, and the actuality is better than my dreams.
