Page 101 of Widowed

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She clears her throat. “Go slow.”

They start up the cars and start gently pulling forward. The pig screams and it’s music to my ears. I watch as the cars pull and stop each time. Making him continue screaming.

“Stop!” He screams and I laugh.

“Harder.” Reyna orders.

It stretches him out even more and you can hear the bone snapping and skin stretching and ripping.

“Stop.” Reyna’s sudden order shocks me.

The pig screams again, “P-P-Please, kill me! Kill me!”

I look over at Reyna and her head is staring at the pig as she smiles. He continues to plea for Reyna to end his suffering, but I know she wouldn’t.

“Did it hurt? That feeling of your skin being ripped apart. No one here to help you? Your hands tied down, not being able to fight back?” She huffs. She then calls out once more, “Have fun!”

The car revs loudly as they drive off. His body is pulled apart before he has a chance to react. Blood and flesh cover the ground surrounding us.

“Clean this up,” I order loudly.

Even after that, it’s still not enough. If I find any more of Tavish’s little cult, I’ll do worse.

“I want to go to Ivan’s grave.” Reyna coughs.

I patted her back. “Now?”

She nods, “Let’s pick up Prince first.”

I nod and pick her up out of her wheelchair. “Untie his arm from the car and bring the car around,” I call out.

The car arrives and I carry her inside with me. Keeping her comfortable on my lap. It doesn’t take us long to pick Prince up and make our way to the cemetery.

“Mom, why are we visitingPapaagain?” Prince asks.

Reyna clutches my arm. “I want to talk to him.”

“Really?” Prince’s eyes gleamed. “That’s great, Mom. We’ll do it together.”

“I want to talk to him alone. Is that okay?” Reyna sets her hand on Prince’s cheek.

Prince nods, “Okay, Mom.”

It’s sunny today as we get into the cemetery. I wheel Reyna to Ivan’s grave and lean against the car as I watch her.


It’s awfully hot today. I look down at Ivan’s grave and think back to all the times that I sat here and looked at his grave, and never said a word. All the time that Prince sat here and talked to him, while I just watched.

“Ivan, don’t worry about me being in this chair. Doctors said I just need to heal, and I’ll be back in on my feet.” I pause, “I don’t know if you can hear me, and I don’t know if you’re watching Prince and I, but I like to believe that you are. That you keep an eye on us every day and that you’re happy. I still wish I knew why you kept everything a secret from me, but I’ll just have to nag you about it when I see you again. I want you to know that I’m happy. After you died, I wasn’t happy for an exceedingly long time, but now I can wake up and look forward to the future. This doesn’t mean that I’ve moved on from you. You were my first love, and I’m still head over heels in love with you, but I love him, too. I know you wouldn’t have sent me to him if you didn’t think he could make me happy. So, for that, I’m thankful. Thank you, till next time. I love you…”

I wave at Kyro, and he makes his way to come to get me. In my heart, I hope that Ivan heard me and that he’s happy with the life I’m living. I hope that I’m not disappointing him.

Kyro decides to draw me a bath when we get home. The water still stings my skin and I bear it for the time being.

“I’m trying my best not to hurt you, wife.” Kyro mumbles.

I glare, “Well, it still hurts, husband.”
