Page 100 of Widowed

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I carried her out of bed and set her down in the wheelchair. She groans as I put her down. “Behave, or I’ll think of a little punishment for you,” I whisper in her ear. A smile creeps upon her face and it makes me chuckle. I turn and look up at the doctor. “Thank you, Dr. Rodriguez. I appreciate all that you’ve done for my wife.” I thank.

“Of course, please rest up.” She says to Reyna.

I push Reyna and strangely; I think about how it will be when we are much older, and I or Reyna may be pushing each other in wheelchairs.

When we got into the car. Reyna lies still in my lap. Her body flinched at my sudden movements. “I’m sorry, Reyna.” I apologize.

If I could take her pain, I would. It pains me to see her in this state, no matter how strong she is trying to be for me.

When we made it home, I carried Reyna to our bed and lay down with her. As I watch her peacefully sleep, I think about what would have happened if I lost her. How could I move on from it? How could I ever shut my eyes and sleep again?

The only thing on my mind is blood. I want to rip someone apart regardless of their fault. I need to hurt…someone.

My hand sits on Reyna’s soft, unblemished face. As I look down at the bandages on her legs, I realize I need to change them.

“Reyna?” My words are softer than ever.

Her eyes slowly flutter open. “I’ll do it.” She argues.

She tried to lift her arm, but I stopped her immediately. “Stop,” I order. “Didn’t I tell you to be a good girl and behave?”

Reyna smirked, “That’s your fault for thinking I was good.”

“You’re in pain and still have the strength to tease me. I can’t tell whether you’re a masochist or a sadist.”

“Maybe both.” She replies.

Her attitude makes me want to punish her, but it kills me that I can’t right now. Once she heals, I’ll properly make her cry out.

My phone went off. “Pahkan. We found one.” One of my men utters on the phone.

“One?” I question.

“One of Tavish’s men. They all didn’t commit suicide. We found one of the fuckers hiding. Trying to make his way out of the country. Where should I bring him,Pahkan?”

“Bring him here, now.” I bark.

“Be there in twenty.” He hangs up.

I look over at Reyna. “Zhena, we were able to find one of Tavish’s men who was involved.”

Reyna looked at me and I was afraid she would have a look of fear in her eyes, but no she smiled brightly. “When will he be here?”

“Soon. How would you like to punish him?” My smile is just as malicious as hers.

“Why don’t we put all those fancy cars to use?” She giggles and I know exactly what she has planned.

I changed out Reyna’s bandages before my men arrived with the pig. I carried Reyna downstairs and put her in her wheelchair, taking her to our backyard.

The man is there, and he laughs as if he has not had a care in the world. One thing about human beings is that we can all be broken no matter how much we think we can’t be.

“You survived?!” He laughed again and sat on the grass.

Reyna yawns and I chuckle. “Tie his hands and feet to four cars. A car for each hand and foot.” She instructs.

My men pick out four towing vehicles and tie his feet and hands.

“Say the word, Mrs. Novikov.” They yell from the cars.
