Page 23 of Widowed

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“Because I’m seventeen and my parents would kill me. How do they let you live alone? We’re the same age.” She laughs.

“I have my ways.” My smug smile made an appearance.

“Ky, I have to go, for real. It’s almost twelve.” She whines. “We could go another round before I leave.”

I close my eyes and smile, “Sure.”

She giggles as she gets off the bed. “What the fuck is this?” Maeve frantically asks. She pulls my gun out of my drawer. “Why do you have this?” She looks at me fearfully. That look in her eye reminds me of how my mother looked at me, and it makes me sick.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s my business. Go home.”

“Go home? What kind of answer is that? What do you do to live here?” She backs away from me like she’s afraid of me and I’m taken aback. “What are you? Are you some fucking drug dealer or some shit?”

“You want to know who I am? What I am?” I laugh spitefully.


“How do you know my wife?” I narrow.

She sets down her clipboard. “She knows my husband from high school.”

I can’t help but laugh. She’s married to a pig. What luck has my wife brought me? I haven’t seen Maeve since she broke it off with me years ago.

“If this is awkward, I can get another doctor.”

“No, need. I’ll be checking out of the hospital now. My wife is tired and spoiled rotten, so she’ll hate sleeping here.” I kiss Reyna’s forehead.

“Ky, you got shot. You need to rest here for at least a couple of days.” Maeve protests.

My phone rings and I answer, “Yes, pull the car around.” Then I hung up. “It was nice seeing you, Maeve.”

She nods, “Likewise.”

She leaves the room, and I get changed. I then pick up my sleeping wife and check out of the hospital. The family doctor will wait at the house to further fix me up.

Those pig’s days are numbered. I won’t let this slide, even if I must show up in person. They didn’t just take a shot at me; they took a shot at Reyna, which is worse. That Irish prick has no morality for women. I have killed many men but never their women or children.

I might have to get Prince a guard dog to watch him, maybe a rottweiler. That would ease my mind when he’s home without me.

When arriving at the house, Prince and Trey were sleeping in our bed. I put Reyna next to Prince and tucked them all in. He must have been worried when we didn’t come home. Someday, one of us might not come home. I’ll have to prepare him to protect himself if we are gone.

I leave my wife and child to regroup with my men at my office on the estate.

“Find those Irish fuckers. I want them dead. Kill as many as you can. We are at war. I want their families to not even be able to find them! I want them in the dirt as soon as possible. Not just here. I know that bastard is still in New York.” I go on in Russian.

Too many enemies; the Italians, Irish, Japanese, and many more waiting to kill me.

“Pahkan, where do we start?” Nikolai asks in Russian.

“With you back in New York, I need the men stronger over there. I need you to go hunting for his men.” I order. “Kill his money. Find his warehouses, his suppliers, and then cut off his access.”

Nikolai nods. “I’ll take the next flight there and gather the men. He’ll crumble in no time. There’s a rumor he’s insane. Let’s see how long he can keep his reign.”

I touch the bandages wrapped around my waist. “It won’t be long before we kill him for good.”


A small arm is wrapped around my side. My eyes open and I realize I am in my bed. Prince is sleeping beside me, looking adorable as always. With two fingers, I pull softly on his dark curls. It’s hard to look at him sometimes. He is Ivan’s twin. My beautiful boy is still sound asleep as I get up from the bed.
