Page 26 of Widowed

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I get off the bed and wrap my arms around his firm body. I raise my gaze and he lowers his. “I trust you.”

He lifts me in his arms, and I rest my forehead against his own. “You’ll never know how much that means to me.” His lips connect with my own and I once again feel the heat coming off him.

This…man…is making me feel something I don’t want to.

“Hey guys, I don’t need siblings yet. I enjoy being the only spoiled child.” Prince says, passing our room and running to the end of the hall.

Kyro chuckles into our kiss and I do as well. I’m guessing Trey is gone and Prince is bored. “My son is mouthy, like his mother.”

“You don’t like me mouthy?” Feeling flirtatious myself.

His villainess grin creeps upon his face. “I look forward to it. It would be boring if you weren’t.”

I wiggle out of his grip. “So, about this party? Who’s throwing it?”

“The governor. The governor is in my pocket and if he behaves, I can continue Bratva matters with no trouble. There will be many politicians that we will be meeting. I need to know who I need to break to fall in line.” Kyro explains. “Obvious criminals are not my only problem. It’s the criminals that kiss babies and shake your hand that I despise the most.”

“So, why do I have to go? If you’re just going to scare people.”

His hands grab my own and raise them both to his lips. “Because you’re my wife. I want you to learn about this life. I want these people to learn your name and cower every time they hear it.” His eyes closed.

I wonder if Ivan had told me the truth. Would he tell me the same? My thoughts always seem to go to Ivan. I pray for the day that my mind is at peace.

“You sound like a supervillain.” I poke fun.

When his eyes open, those sharp blue eyes stare into my own. “That’s because I am. I’ll choose to eat everyone before they eat me.”

His assertion worries me, “Even me? Will you eat me too if I don’t fall in line?” I interrogate.

Those blue eyes soften, “Never. Even if you decide not to be with me. If you choose a life without me, I will trust your decision. You are not a prisoner; I never want you to feel that way. If you stay, it’s because you choose to.”

“Would you let me go that easily?” I grip his hand.

“No.” His immediate response doesn’t surprise me.

It seems the women he loves the most tend to walk out of his life. His mother won’t even speak to him, and his first love straight-up cuts him off. I can’t blame them. The life he leads is not a normal one. Is he afraid I’ll leave him as well?

It’s my turn to bring his hand to my lips. “You won’t lose me,” I state. “I’m not easily scared off.”

“Promises promises…” He sighs.

The Next Day

Kyro flinches at the pain of his injury as he takes a step. He then backs away from me before he dies from opening his stitches. “My barber is coming to cut my hair today for the party. I’ll have him cut Prince’s hair as well.” He notifies.

“Can he cut black hair?” I ask, “Prince is a combination of Ivan and I both, but his hair is more like mine than Ivan’s bone-straight hair.”

“I’ll ask. If not, I’ll get a barber that knows how to cut his hair. I’ll start learning to do it myself as well. I’m sure our future children will have the same hair type.”

I tried to hide my smile from him, but he catches me and smiles back at me. This man might be the one who destroys me. I’m sure of it.

Later that night, Prince, Kyro, and I arrived at the party. Everyone is in fancy attire, and it feels too proper for me. The only parties I go to are ones hosted in clubs. Of course, I can dress the part well for any occasion, but everyone here seems boring. There is a table full of women. Some have children with them, and I can’t help but feel like that’s the wife’s table.

Prince is not a shy kid for the most part. Around adults, he speaks and acts perfectly fine, but around other children he gets nervous. He’s clinging cutely to Kyro. He’s been doing that a lot lately as well. Kyro leans down and whispers something in his ear. Prince shakes his head and runs over to the children.

“What did you say?” I say, leaning into Kyro’s ear.

He leans into mine. “I asked him if he wanted me to introduce him to the children, but he didn’t want me to and went himself. It’s good that he develops these social skills now.”
