Page 25 of Widowed

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I make circles on his chest. “Does that mean I have to worry about you making moves on beautiful women?”

He sighs. “Beauty isn’t enough for me. There’s no need for you to worry, not that I believe you worry at all. Since you believe our relationship is strictly physical.”

I snort and laugh. “Is it not?”

“It doesn’t have to be. We can be happy and be a family and not just in name only. A genuine family, where we are in love.” He uses his finger to push my head up to look into his eyes. “Would you mind falling for me?”

“I can’t…” I answered quickly.


With each passing moment, he draws me closer and I feel my heart skip a beat. “Because it’s easier to lose a man you never loved.” I pushed my hair out of my face and sighed. “I went through this with Ivan, and I won’t do it again. The risk is too high for you. If I let myself love you and I lose you, I don’t think I’ll survive it.”

When Kyro flashes those serious, frosty eyes at me, I can’t help but answer him candidly. “So, there’s a chance.” He smiles. “Okay, Reyna. I knew you would be a handful, but I don’t mind demanding work.”

I can’t help but smile back at the mischievous mobster lying beside me. “I’m glad you think earning my love is a challenge.”

“Who knows. You might fall for me before our wedding.” He jokes.

I scoff at his determination. “It’s right around the corner.” I point it out. “Love is not something you can bend to your will.”

“We’ll see.” That sinister grin remains.

Those frosty eyes closed as he smiled maliciously. His oversized hand over my own on his chest.


Reyna fell asleep again. When I was a child, I longed for a family, but no one could accept me for who I am and what I do. Ivan didn’t tell Reyna about his life in the Bratva because he was scared, he would lose her, but Reyna is adjusting fine to this life. With time, maybe Reyna and I can build an actual family together. Maybe this doesn’t need to be just a promise I made to Ivan. After my mother and the woman I loved closed the door in my face. I fear Reyna could do the same. But that’s love, right? Taking that chance to let someone destroy you. I wonder if Reyna is worth finding out. There’s so much more to learn about her. It’s only been a week or so since she’s been here, and I know so little, yet so very much. I know that if I asked her to kill, she would, and that type of loyalty is not found in many. I know it feels amazing when we kiss and fuck. The feeling of being inside her is unparalleled, the taste of her, the look in her eyes when she comes. Everything is hitting the right notes. She might send me over the edge. I won’t be able to let her go.

Chapter 8


I wake to the feeling of Kyro’s lips on my own. I put a hand on his chest as I opened my eyes. “Don’t kiss me. My lips are chapped.” I groan.

He laughs at my statement and kisses me again, “Slightly, but I don’t mind.” He whispers.

“A good husband would say, ‘No sweety, your lips are perfect. There not chapped at all.”

He rolls his eyes and “It doesn’t matter in the end; both will feel the same going down my cock.”

I scoff. “You won’t ever find me on my knees for you.”

“Zhena. I want an honest wife. You never have to lie to me.” He coos slightly condescendingly.

“I’m not lying,” I smirk to hide my smile.

He put his hand on my throat and squeezes, “I don’t care if Ihave topush my cock down your throat myself. You will be on your knees for me, wanting and waiting.” I laugh softly as he tightens his grip. “You’re my wife, I’ll have you whenever I want,however, I want.” Kyro’s grip is strong, but not enough to hurt me. No matter how harsh his words are, his actions tell a different story.

He lets go of my neck and caresses my cheek. “With everything going on, it slipped my mind that we have a party to go to tomorrow…”

My eyes gleam with the idea of going to a party, but quickly dims. “We shouldn’t be going out. They shot you. You still need to heal.” I push.

“There’s no sweeter revenge than letting your enemies know their assassination attempt failed.” Kyro stretches getting out of bed. I stare at the bandages that are stained with Kyro’s blood and I feel a pinch in my heart.

“Please don’t go to this party.” I plead.

“I can’t appear weak, or they will try again. This is the way our world works,zhena. I won’t let them think they can get to you. I failed Ivan, but I won’t fail you. Trust me, please. I’m going to kill those Irish fuckers. Every one of them.” His words are pulling me in, but I fear what putting my trust in him could lead to.
