Page 33 of Widowed

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Before one man can speak, my phone goes off.

Can you come to get me from school, please?


“The plan is the same. Gather our strongest. Take the warehouse tonight. I want to take everything from them.” My order was straight to the point.

I leave shortly after and arrive at Prince’s school. When I arrive, I’m told that Prince got into a fight. His principal stares at me with an annoyed look on his face. I look at Prince, who has a bruise on his chin.

I grabbed his face softly. “Who did that to my son’s face?” I snapped at the principal.

“According to several eyewitnesses, your son started the fight.” The principal claims.

I look over at Prince, and his arms are crossed. “So it’s my kid’s word against the kid he fought and his friends? Why is my son the only one in the office? Do you have proof other than words?” My patience was wearing thin, and I could feel my temper rising.

The principal exhales, and it pushes me further into my anger.

“Prince, wait in the car for me. I’ll be there in a bit.” I say, caressing the top of his head.

Prince leaves the room and I run my fingers through my hair.

“So, I’ll give you another chance to tell me why my kid is the only one in this office.” I reiterated.

The principal scoffs, “Because he started the fight.”

“You have no proof of that. This is a ‘he said she said’ situation and my son is new to this school. Yet, he’s somehow the only one in here.” I sigh, trying to keep my anger together. I’m sure Reyna would have jumped across this table by now.

“Mr. Novikov, your son started the fight. End of story. We have a no violence tolerance here.” Hestates.

Prince is a logical kid and will avoid violence. It wouldn’t make sense that he would start a fight. “Why is their word better than my son’s word? My son has perfect grades, helpful to his teachers, all his teachers can vouch for his behavior.”

“I’m going to have to suspend Prince for three weeks.” He continues.

As much as I want to pull him out of this bullshit private school, I’ll have to talk to him first about what happened. I excuse myself from that idiot’s office and walk to the car. I get in the car and see Prince twiddling with his thumbs.

“What happened?” I ask.

“These two guys kept bothering me. They kept pulling on my hair and they kept taking my comic from me. I got mad and hit one of them. My teacher saw the whole thing and told the principal what happened. He kept me in the office and let the other boys go.”

I sigh. “How would you feel about being home-schooled?”

His eyes gleam, “Really? Yes!”

“Good.” I’m glad he’s on board. With the war, I would have had to pull him out regardless, but this principle still doesn’t sit well with me. I’ll deal with him when I get a chance.

“Don’t think homeschooling will be easy. Especially with how smart you are. It will be like a normal school, but slightly harder since I know you can handle it.” I pulled him towards me. “If you slack on your studies, I’ll dress up as a nun and hit you with a ruler.” I kiss the top of his head.

Prince snorts out a laugh, “I got it, thanks, Dad.”


“Are there any dresses here that you like?” The woman working at the bridal shop asks.

“Still looking.” I nod.

What type of wedding dress do you decide to wear when you’re getting married for the wrong reasons? I have only known Kyro for less than a month and I’m not sure what would complement our wedding. Our wedding is a symbol of our promise to the same man, but what promise will we make to each other? What vows will he give me when he is standing in front of me at the altar? Will he speak genuinely, or will he just recite the same old cliches? We will be married until we die and so this marriage cannot be just for show. It has to be something more.

Yet, I’m not just the everyday girl, getting married to a man that she barely knows. I am a woman marrying a criminal, a man that commands so much power. A man who has killed and will continue killing if it suits him. The real question is, will this man stand by me until death as he said hewould? He is used to a large life to which I am not accustomed. I fear I may become a novelty in his life. That he will get bored with me at some point. How long can a normal girl keep the interest of a mobster like Kyro Novikov?
