Page 34 of Widowed

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I want a happy life with him. I truly do, but I fear that might not be my reality. This could just be a fear of mine and maybe I’m just trying to doom the relationship because I feel guilty. I’m not sure what the future holds. I can only hope that he and I grow past our burdens together.


I dropped Prince off at home. I readied myself with weapons. After notifying Reyna that I’d be home late. I was off with my men to fight in our war. When we arrived at the warehouse, they guarded it, as you would expect. Although, there weren’t enough guards to take down all the men that I had brought along with me. My men were quick to draw their guns and kill the man guarding the warehouse. All that was left to do was to retrieve the goods from inside.

They stored countless guns. This was a win for us. A small win, but a win, nonetheless. I won’t stop here until all of them are dead. I don’t take someone almost putting a bullet through my wife lightly. I will soak my hands with their blood, and the blood of their families.

We kept their guards alive to bring them back with us. I’m sure we can torture them enough to get some answers. We make it back to our warehouse and tie them to chairs. Last time, I couldn’t have fun because my wife was standing there, and I didn’t want to scare her too much. But this time I can enjoy torturing these men until I get sick of it.

“Who pulled the trigger to kill me?” I ask courteously.

The men laugh, “Fuck you. Kill us, we won’t talk.”

“Everyone talks,” I reply curtly.

I reach for my pocketknife, that Ivan gave me, attached to my ankle. I tell one of my men to string up one of the Irishman. I want the others to watch as I gut this man. Setting examples is always an effective way to make people talk.

With my pocketknife in my hand, I traced it down the man’s stomach. Then, with one swift move, I plunged the pocketknife into his stomach. The place I stabbed is not random. I made sure that I didn’t stab any of his major organs so that I could torture him a little while longer. The other Irishman towered in fear at my callousness. These men are weak, spineless, pathetic excuses for mobsters. What men can’t handle blood? The overgrown pig hanging upside down squeals, and it makes me laugh. The other Irishmen are still shaking in fear.

I clear my throat, not because I’m impatient, but because I love the fact that this game is going to continue. “Again, who pulled the trigger to kill me? If one of you tells me, I will let you run free to tell your boss what I have done.”

“Bullshit, you’ll kill us all. Why leave any witnesses alive? Do you think we are fools?” One of them barks.

I scoff. “I don’t need to lie. Three of the four of you will die, but I will free one lucky winner. Unless I lose my patience, and I decide no survivors are better.”

I lodged the pocketknife into the upside-down Irish pig, and I took it further and just cut him open. I took the knife from his belly button to his chest, and the other Irishmen couldn’t take the sight. One after the other, they throw up. I watch as the insides of this man fall to the ground as he bleeds.

“I might have gotten too excited. He’s already dead. At least I still have three more pigs to play with.” I snicker. “Which one of you is next? I promise to take my time with the next one.”

“He’s just psychotic, just like the boss. They’re monsters. How can anyone go to sleep after cutting somebody open like that?” Another tone shouts. “You’re a sick monster.”

“Yes, I am a monster. A monster who is getting increasingly tired of hearing you drag on. I asked for answers, not your pointless diagnosis.” I growl. “String up the next pig,” I order.

The next man trembles as my men approach to take him. “It wasn’t me!” He shouts.

“Then who was it?” Atskcoming from my lips.

His body betrays him as he looks at the man next to him. So, this is the shooter? This is the man that tried to kill me. Of course, he’s just a gun for hire, but you still got to have some balls to try to kill my wife andI.

“It was you.” I sigh, looking at the shooter. “Did you know that my wife was in that car? Did you know that you could’ve killed her? If you want to kill me, that’s fine, but I guess you Irishmen have no morals when it comes to women. It truly breaks my heart.”

“Fuck you. You would have done the same.” He shouts like a rabid dog.

I walked back over to the dead Irishman hanging like a pig, with all his organs on display. I held his heart in my hand and walked back to the shooter. “Hold him down,” I order my men.

As my men hold him down, I order them to open the pig’s mouth wide, as I feed him the heart of his friend. I force it down his throat. He kept gagging and almost throwing up, but we wouldn’t let him, for every time he tried to throw up, I would shoot him in the leg. A reminder for him to follow my orders without giving me any trouble. This was just the start of my punishment for him and for anybody that dared lay a hand on my wife again.


After countless bridal stores, I couldn’t find a dress I liked for the wedding. I remember the day when I couldn’t wait to get married. We didn’t have a wedding, but all the other details came so quickly to me because I knew who I was marrying. I’m still figuring out who my new husband is. I need to learn more about him, but I’m not sure if he’ll always be as open with me as he has tried to be.

I had gotten a call from Kyro saying that he would be late tonight. That he had business to take care of and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the kind to which he is tending. He keeps me at a distance with Bratva matters. I don’t know whether he does it for his sake or mine. The mind of that man is confusing. One second, he’s baring his soul to me, and the other second, he’s telling me to choke on his cock.

When I got home, Prince explained what happened at school. It honestly doesn’t surprise me. I’m glad that Prince decided he wanted to be homeschooled. It’ll be safer for him this way. Lately, I have been feeling especially tired. Ever since I moved in with Kyro, my life has been relaxed. I’m not working right now and so most of the time I am home or shopping for the wedding. That leaves a lot of time for nothingness. And as much as I want to be a woman who says that she wants to get to work as soon as possible, I don’t. When Ivan died, I had no choice but to work harder than I ever did before taking care of my son andI.There weren’t any joyful memories during the first few months. So being able to just do nothing is enjoyable.

Rowan has been texting me and I have been dodging his texts ever since Kyro and I talked. We can no longer be friends. I don’t want to put him in any danger with the life into which I am marrying. It’s better for both parties in the end, but I still feel horrible about dodging him. Not seeing Maeve is probably for the best as well. It is just too awkward to be friends.

Hey, come open your door.
