Page 36 of Widowed

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“He broke his hand.” I bluntly reply.

Her eyes widen. “Kyro is not one to be played with, noted.” She makes a check in the air.

“He’s notthatscary. Surprisingly, he’s unsure of himself.” I defended.

She smiles at me. “I’m glad.”

“You’re glad?” I chuckled.

“I’m glad that he’s vulnerable around you. Maybe he can teach you to be too.”

I furrow my brows in confusion. Am I not open?

Izzy pouts, “Hey, I didn’t mean it negatively.” She pinches my cheek. “What I mean is that I hope you both can have honest discussions. Ivan was your first love, and when he passed away, I didn’t think you would be able to be with anyone else seriously again.”

I am serious about giving this relationship a try. Prince is getting along with Kyro well and Kyro makes me feel…things. Things I don’t understand just yet.

Chapter 11

The Next Day


Today I wanted to do something for Kyro. I wanted to go back to New York and speak to his mother. Maybe I can convince her to come to our wedding. He hadn’t spoken to her in such a long time. Maybe she mellowed out and wants a relationship with her son.

I lied to Kyro and told him that we needed to go back to New York to visit my family. Of course, Kyro wasn’t going to let us go back home alone without a thousand guards watching our every move. I asked Izzy to see if Nikolai knew where to find his mother. After some time, he finally told her.

She was still in the apartment he had set up for her. Izzy decides to come with me and be back up if this went south.

My nerves get the best of me as I hesitate to knock on her door before the door opens. A woman stands there with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. She has long blonde hair and green eyes. And I realized something. She and Maeve look a lot alike. Sigmund Freud would have loved to meet her.

“Hello, are you Ms. Novikov?” I ask.

She nods, “Yes. Why are you here?” Her Russian accent is heavy, like Ivan’s.

“I’m Reyna Novikov, Kyro’s wife.” This is the first time I have introduced myself as such. I expect her to close the door in my face, but surprisingly, she lets both of us in.

Her home is beautiful, but old. Everything reminds me of a home you would see in home movies. Everything is stuck in the past, but it’s well kept.

“I have not seen my son in many years.” She sighs with a sad look, which surprised me since I remember Kyro saying that she was the one who didn’t want to talk.

“Would you like to speak to him? I know he misses you.”

“He does?” She perks up. “Can I see him?”

Now I’m extremely confused. “I’m sorry, but I have a question.” I start, she nods, and I continue, “Why have you not spoken? It seems like both of you want to be in each other’s lives.”

“He is with the Bratva. It is a great shame for me. I left Russia because of Bratva’s men. They turn humans into monsters. I didn’t want that for my son, but I gave him no choice. I was a careless mother. When I was young, I was scared. I didn’t fight for him, and that is why he hates me.” Ms. Novikov sniffles.

“I don’t think he hates you,” I reassure. “I wanted to invite you to speak with him. He would appreciate hearing from you, I’m sure.”

Another knock comes on her door, and she gets up to open it. Kyro is standing at the door, glaring at me. I should have known Nikolai would snitch on us.

I glare at Izzy. “Your love interest is a snitch.”

She growls, her sentence left unfinished. “He’s not mine.”

Kyro walked past his mother, without acknowledging her, and walked toward me. “Lying will get you nowhere with me, wife. Don’t do it again.”
