Page 45 of Widowed

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Prince is still holding me tight. “Can you sleep with me?”

As I look at Prince, it reminds me of a younger version of myself. “Of course, but I don’t think I fit in your bed.”

“This calls for your bed, then.” He suggests.

Even in a horrible situation, Prince can bring a smile to my face. Ivan and Reyna raised a good boy, and I only hope I can raise him into a good man.

The Next Day


“Good news. Your husband has decided to come to get you. Let’s make sure this goes smoothly. No need to reunite you and your ex-husband just yet.” Gideon warms as he throws clothes on the bed for me to change into. I try to keep the best poker face, but I’m afraid.

“Why did you kill my husband? He was out of the life.” I ask.

Gideon inhales. “You think he’s the hero? He’s a killer like the rest of us. They say you can never leave a mob. You die or go to jail. Do you know why? Because your actions will always catch up with you.” He pauses, “Ivan Zotov, killed the previous boss, my stepfather. My mother was so distraught she drank herself to death.”

I don’t know how to respond.

“We are all monsters, no matter what mob you belong to. Your husband is no different from what I said before. If a fellow monster stands in my way, then I’ll cut them down. That goes for your current husband as well. Soon, you’ll be one too.” His monologue ends.

Can I truly survive in this life? How could Ivan live a life so full of blood and misery? No wonder he wanted to get out. Yet somehow, we still made it right back here.

Maybe you never can get out, even by association.

“Come on, he’s waiting. Let’s not be late.” Gideon says as he steps out to let me change.


He’s late. What the fuck is he up to? Where the fuck is my wife?

Six black cars drive up. The lights stay on and a man I have never seen before walks out. Kyro Novikov, it’s nice to meet you at last.” He smirks.

“Where the fuck is my wife? I’m not a patient man. I brought the fucking guns. Let’s get this over with.” I snap.

The man snickers to himself. “Fine.” He looks back at the car he’s leaning on. Reyna steps off the car and looks at me. My heart speeds up as I look at my wife and pray to God she’s fine.

The man looks at Reyna and gestures for her to go. Reyna runs straight into my arms. I nod to my men to hand the guns over.

“A man of your word. Good to know.” The man says before his men gather the bags filled with guns and take them back to their cars.

I quickly put Reyna in the car and drove away with ten of the following cars patrolling around us. Reyna holds my hand and doesn’t let go. I caress Reyna’s face. I don’t dare ask her if anything happened.

Reyna jumps onto my lap and kisses me. “I missed you so much.”

I kiss her back with urgency. “Me too, Reyna. I haven’t eaten or slept since your absence. This will never happen again.” I promise.

She shakes her head. “It may happen again because that’s the way this world works, but I know that now. I need you to train me so that it never happens again for sure. You can’t be with me every second of the day.”

She doesn’t trust me to protect her. After what just took place, I don’t blame her.

“Kyro?” She clears her throat.

“Yes, Reyna?”

She looks into my eyes and exhales, “The man who took me, his name is Gideon, and he killed Ivan. I want you to teach me how to kill. I want him dead.”

Chapter 14
