Page 46 of Widowed

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Gideon hasn’t seen the last of me. He may have won this time, but I’ll return the favor. It is important to me to contribute to this family in a meaningful way, and I do not want my only role to be that of the boss’s wife. Gideon killed Ivan, and I know Kyro wants to kill Ivan’s killer as much as I do. It wouldn’t be fair for Gideon to keep breathing.

“Reyna, are you sure? Once you bloody your hands, that’s it. You can’t take a kill back,” Kyro revisits as he talks to me in my closet.

I nod, “Yes. I meant my vows. He embarrassed you today and I know that it’s bothering you and he is also Ivan’s killer. I need to seek retribution for you both.”

“There’s no need,zhena.” He reassures. “I will get him back eventually, but I didn’t lose to him today. I got you back safely.”

“Please, I understand, but don’t sugarcoat the situation. I’m your wife, and I will defend you in a way I didn’t have the chance to with Ivan. I will not tolerate any further disrespect towards you,” I vowed.

Kyro wraps his arms around me, and I sigh happily, missing the warm touch of his skin. To Kyro’s surprise, I kissed him and pulled him even closer to me. He pulls away slightly. “Does this mean you still want to go on a honeymoon?”

“Yes. Take me away from here. For the next week, I just want you to feed and fuck me.” I whine.

Kyro chuckles at my behavior. “Then we can kill Gideon when we get back?”

“Yes,” I answer seriously.

Prince is still sleeping in our bed. He hasn’t woken up yet to know I’m home. Kyro and I pulled apart, walked to our bed, and lay down. Prince is sleeping soundly in the middle of us. I wrap my arms around Prince, and he immediately cuddles up to me.

“How was he?” I asked Kyro.

“Strong. He slept in here last night as well.”

I pout and drag out my words. “My baby.”

Kyro laughs softly as he rubs his thumb against Prince’s cheek. This makes Prince yawn and open his eyes a bit, but then they close quickly after.

“Prince, I missed you,” I whispered, leaving kisses all over his face. “I missed you so much,mi príncipe.”

Prince snuggles up to me even closer and I look at Kyro as he stares sweetly at Prince. I don’t think there is anything hotter than a man who lovingly looks at his child.

“So, where are we going on our honeymoon?” I whisper.

“South Korea,” Kyro answers adamantly.

I narrow. “And what made you choose South Korea?”

“It’s a beautiful place I have always wanted to visit, and I have business there.” He truthfully explains.

I flicked his forehead. “Thought so.”

“Don’t hide Bratva matters from me.” I huff.

“Yes, wife.” He sarcastically answers.

“That’s what I like to hear, obedience.” I joke.

Kyro looks at me, bewildered at my words. “Say that again.” He dares.

Prince’s eyes opened completely this time. “Okay, this weird flirting is too much for me.” Prince sits up, kisses my cheek, and gets off the bed.

I grab a small pillow and throw it at him. “Prince!” I growl.

“Mom!” Prince mocks. “I missed you; I knew Dad would get you back.” He smiles before running out of the room.

“Does Prince speak Russian?” Kyro inquires suddenly.
