Page 65 of Widowed

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“Kyroishis father.” I scoff. “Besides, what’s it to you?”

“When Kyro was angry at me and ignored me. I got to meet a guy named Ivan Zotov. I was crying in front of Kyro’s apartment.” She explains. Did she meet Ivan? “He was extremely attractive; with the lightest green eyes I had ever seen. He left after a few words. I guess he didn’t want to deal with a girl crying outside her boyfriend’s door.” She laughs pitifully.

I smile at her description. Ivan wasn’t the emotional type. Except when it came to Prince and I. Anything else was a bother to him. I guess he’s always been that way, even as a teenager.

“If he’s his father, why are you and Kyro married? They’re friends, right?” She pushes. “You said you were married before. You were married to Ivan and then he died, and you married his friend?”

My blood feels like it’s boiling. She doesn’t know my story, but she just nonchalantly mentions Ivan’s death. She doesn’t know how I had to stare at the dead body of the man I love. To tell his son he will never see his father again. My son’s tears were shed every day for three months. I couldn’t help but compare the coldness of Ivan’s hand to the warmth it used to bring me when he touched my face.

“I’m just asking a question. You don’t have to look so tense.” Her eyes looked away from me.

“Tense?” I felt as if I would lose it right here, but the event is important to Kyro. I wouldn’t let my emotions ruin it.

“Reyna—” She starts.

I cut her off, “Why don’t you go find your husband and I’ll find mine.”

Without anything else to say, I ran outside to get some fresh air. I sit on a patch of grass as I suck in my tears as the memory of Ivan floods my head. I take a deep breath and it feels like everything has slowed down. As if I’m not a part of the people that surround me.

“What are you doing out here, wife?” Kyro’s voice rings in my ear as he joins me on the grass.

“Kyro, don’t sit on the grass. Your suit is expensive.” I scolded. Kyro smiles and uses his thumb to wipe away my tears.

“The auction…”

“Prince is handling it. Who better than to raise money for children?” Kyro’s chuckles fade.

“I’m sorry. You seem to catch me crying a lot. You must think I’m dramatic.” I try to laugh through tears.

“I do,” He snorts. I slap his arm with as much force as I could muster. He pauses his laugh. “But I also believe that you’re a woman who’s gone through something devastating and is doing her best to be happy again. A year is not enough to mourn your spouse.”

“How did you…?”

“You only cry when it’s about Ivan. I just assumed.” His voice was soft as he explains.

My tears make it difficult to speak, but I manage to ask, “Can I be honest with you?”

“Of course.” His hand sits on top of my own.

I swallow and close my eyes. “I’m scared that I’ll hurt you in the end. I’m scared that if I ever have to admit what I feel for you, I’ll have to leave.”

He sucks his teeth. “So don’t fall for me. Lead me on if it means I get to keep you by my side. I’ll take all the extra pain you can’t endure. You don’t have to love me, but promise me, you’ll never leave. You told me before that you would stay and keep your promise.” My husband isn’t one for sweet words, but when they come out I find myself in bliss.

Everyone has gone and gone inside for the auction. Alone, I sit on the grass with my husband begging me to be dutiful.

“I won’t leave, ever. I’m sorry.” I grasped his chin and kissed him. It calms my monster for a second. “We should check on Prince.”

“He’s fine, Reyna. Twenty security guards are watching him. Just sit and give yourself a second. Don’t ever pretend that you are fine if you’re not.” He growls.

That icy blue stare seems way warmer than meets the eye. Kyro has warmed up to me in these weeks. I know I can trust him with my heart, but I’m still scared for him to trust me with his.

Kyro suddenly lifts me and puts me in between his legs. His chin rests on top of my head and his arms wrap around me. Those muscular arms continue to wrap around me safely. I feel like nothing could harm me when I’m in his presence. Kyro’s fingers glide along my legs and rub them in a circle. His hands are a bit cold from the cold winds pushing through us.

“Kyro?” I look up at him. He looks down at me, waiting for my next sentence. “Kiss me.”

He smirks, gripping my neck with his hand as he leans down for an aggressive kiss.

“What are you up to, wife?” He narrows in between kisses, but I ignore him and kiss him passionately. Whenever our lips touch, it’s as if the world mellows. I can relax again and step away from the nightmare of losing Ivan. Kyro fills that void in a way that worries me. If I start loving him as I did Ivan, what kind of wife am I? To Ivan or Kyro?
