Page 76 of Widowed

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“Did you forget her brother? I can’t believe you let him fuck you. He’s such a whiney pussy.” I laugh. “I still can’t believe he cried in front of me.”

“Hey, two grand every week for one night of anal that lasts five minutes is a good deal.” She slaps my chest.

“Five minutes? Fuckers got me beat.” I snicker at the top of her head. “I could cum inside you after a minute.”

“Better than most. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Reyna jokes.

I slap her ass harshly, and she bucks closer to me. “Be good or I’ll take all the cum I shot into your pussy and shove it down your throat,” I warn.

“Promise?” She grins.

“You know I’m a man of my word.” I hum into her neck.

Chapter 23

Days Later


I’ve been having nightmares about Ivan. It feels like the closer I get to Kyro, the more I suffer from Ivan’s memory. Kyro sleeps at my side peacefully in our bed. I play with the ends of his hair. His eyes slowly opened and immediately looked at me with concern.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He sits up and grabs his phone. He looks away from the blinding light of his phone. “It’s one in the morning, Reyna.”

I inhale. “I keep having dreams about Ivan. More like nightmares.”

“About?” He wipes away the tear that had run down my cheek.

I take a second before I speak. “Our life before…everything. Then it happens and life becomes numb again.”

Kyro pulls me in closer to him. “I think you need to speak to someone.”

“Like a therapist?”

He grabs my cheek. “Sure, or group therapy. It might help. You’re dealing with some type of PTSD. You can’t fix it on your own. I want you to be happy. I don’t want you to suffer like this.”

I nod and cradle into his strong arms. “I hope you don’t hate me.”

Kyro leans down and kisses the top of my head. “I could never hate you. A woman that loves with her whole heart. To be loved by someone as you, are something men could only dream about.”

He’s patient with me and I couldn’t feel more understood. Kyro and I share the pain of losing someone we both love, and he shows me every day how much he cares for me.

Kyro looks at his phone again for a second. “Fuck, he got that pig.” He sits up again.

“Who?” I yawn.

“Gideon.” He answers happily.

I immediately got up as well. Ivan’s killer is in New York. We need to leave now while we have him. “Can we go now?” I push as I get out of bed.

Kyro gets out of bed as well and makes a call. “I’m on my way.” He then hangs up.

He walks up to me and kisses my lips, “Get ready, we have a pig to kill, and I want you to do it.” Thank you, Kyro.

Getting ready couldn’t have been quicker. We were on the jet as soon as possible. As I look through the window and look at the night sky, I become restless. The dreams about Ivan, and the news of Gideon being found. It’s so much emotion coming through me. My leg can’t stop shaking, and I’m blinking more than required. Memories of Ivan flood into my head.

Eleven Years Ago

“Please let me know if there is anything else I can get you,” I say to the cute Russian guy as I set down his drink.
