Page 77 of Widowed

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He looks down at my name tag. “Your name is…Reyna? Beautiful name.”

I smile and try to hide the fact that I’m ecstatic to be speaking to him.

He takes a swig of his drink. “You know I’ve been coming to the place for a while, and every time I watch you look at me and not say anything. Today you talked to me and I gotta say, I’m a bit blind-sighted.”

I try to reign in my smile, but it’s hard. “You wanted me to talk to you?”

His grin seems shy. “Not sure, but I’m glad you did.”

I roll my eyes. He’s cute, but shows signs of an obvious playboy. “I’m surprised you even noticed me with the beautiful women you bring here.” I laugh.

“A man has his needs. You have needs of your own, don’t you?” His laugh is smooth and graceful.

The sound of his joy is something I could replay in my head on repeat.

“Let me take you out.” He suggests.

“I’m not looking for a hookup.” I cross my arms. He smirks and his green eyes seem to lighten along with his mood, and I find myself feeling intoxicated by his energy.

His hand intertwines on the table. “What are you looking for?”

I shrug. “My parents have been married my entire life. I’m honestly jealous. They’re not just married, they’re in love.” He stares at me, and it makes me clear my throat, shifting as I stand, “What’s your name?”

“Ivan Zotov. I’m twenty-one years old, six feet two inches tall, blood type is A, I was born in Russia, came here with my father at twelve to help with the family business,” He explains.

“That’s quite an introduction.” I exhale with a small laugh.

Ivan stands up and puts cash on the table. “Now that you know me. Give me a chance to know you.”

He towers over me with his exceptional height. “This could be nothing, but maybe…”

“…maybe.” I echo.


The jet has some turbulence, and it puts me back into reality. It’s almost five in the morning and we have landed in New York. As I look over at Kyro, he’s looking over at me stoically. He looks completely deprived of any emotion. It reminds me of when I first looked into those icy eyes. The way he can just turn off his emotions and be the boss, it’s shocking sometimes. I wish I could do that, just shut everything out and not feel anything.

“We’re here, Reyna. Let’s finish this.” He takes my hand and pulls me out of the seat. My hand is trembling with rage at the thought of seeing Gideon again. The car ride felt like an eternity. Gideon was being held in a warehouse in Brooklyn. Nikolai has been watching him nonstop. Gideon has been starving since he got caught.

When we stopped in front of the warehouse, before I got out of the car, Kyro stopped me. He takes out the pocketknife he keeps in his shoe and gives it to me.

“When I told Ivan about my father’s abuse, he gave this to me and told me to use it if he ever hit my mother again. Now, I’m giving it to you to kill this pig.” Kyro’s eyes don’t soften. His eyes usually are gleaming with his cheerful murderous expression, but he’s not having fun. This is a serious hit for him. He wants him dead. “You were Ivan’s wife. You should have the honor of killing that pig, but I’m here. I’ll be by your side and if you can’t, I’ll do it for you.” Kyro held my hand and then kissed it.

“I wonder if the nightmares will go away when he’s dead.” I sigh.

Kyro sighs as well. “They won’t. Even a year from now, you’ll dream of him and think back on happy times, but the difference is that I’ll be here. I’ll hold you when you cry. I’ll stay up with you when you can’t sleep. You and Prince are the center of my universe, and it will remain that way. Iwillnever hurt you, Reyna. I’ll slit my own throat before I ever hurt you.”

We stepped out of the car and walked inside the warehouse. Gideon is bloodied and tied up in a chair. Nikolai is behind him and kicks the chair. Gideon wakes and looks over at me. “Have you become a monster yet?” His words were more of a genuine question than a condescending one.

I grip the pocketknife in my hand. “Possibly,” I answer.

The knife felt heavier in this room. My breathing was shallow because I did not want to slaughter him out of anger. I wanted to be precise.

“Come on, las.” Gideon taunts.

With one hand, I slice his throat open. Not enough to kill him instantly, but enough to let him choke on his blood and suffocate. I watch as he tries to continue breathing. The suction must be unbearable, but I just sit there and watch him slowly die a painful and pitiful death. The way he shakes in his chair, knowing he cannot escape his fate. His blood splattered a bit on me, and I could feel the blood running down my face as if the droplets were standing in for my tears.

Gideon struggles as he fights to live a bit longer but that only lengthens his suffering. I continue watching diligently as I take pride in his suffering.
