Page 78 of Widowed

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“Reyna.” Kyro’s arms wrap around my waist, behind me, and I lean back into his chest. “You did well. I’m so proud of you.”


I watched the look in Reyna’s eyes as she watched Gideon suffocate, and I couldn’t be prouder. This was not just vengeance. She enjoyed killing him. The small smile lingered on her lips as his blood rolled down her cheeks. She finally cracked. Did I ruin her, Ivan? I may have made her into someone like me. She was an angel in your eyes, right? I may have cut off her wings so that she couldn’t fly to heaven. Does that make me evil? Maybe. That’s who I am. I’m a demon, a monster who only consumes and darkens everything around him. But if I get to keep her for eternity, then it should be okay.

I’m hesitant but I say, “Reyna.” I take her into my arms, and she naturally falls into me. “You did well. I’m proud of you.”

She sighs heavily as she turns around and hugs me. She was too warm in my arms. “I want to legally add your last name to mine. I do not want to get rid of Ivan’s last name, but I want you to be a part of me as well.” My eyes widen and my heart skips. When we got married, Reyna kept Ivan’s last name legally. Even though people still referred to her by my surname.

I wrap even higher around her. “You don’t have to. You’re still my wife without it.”

“I want to have my husband’s name. Youaremy husband.” She sweetly says.

I wipe away the blood on her face with my thumb. “You always know what to say to make me happy. I have never smiled this much in my entire life.”

She taps her lips and I chuckle at her strangely cheerful mood. “Kyro, I love you with my whole heart.”

Chapter 24


Yesterday, I told Kyro I loved him because at that moment I felt free. Free to start loving him the way I should, and he said nothing. He held me, and we walked back to the car and took the jet back home. I lay in bed the whole night thinking about his reaction. Kyro has never said the words, but he loves me, right? Or maybe he doesn’t and is just attached to me. Either way, I know that I love him. Even if it takes time, I’ll make that bastard love me.

I call Izzy, and she picks up quickly. “What’s up?”

“If you were trying to make your husband fall for you, what would you do?” I laugh nervously.

Izzy sucks her teeth. “Is that white man making you feel inadequate?”

I laugh, “No.” I exhale. “I told Kyro I loved him, but he didn’t say it back.”

“You told him that?! It’s barely been three months!” She shouts.

I roll my eyes, “It’s not my fault, he made me fall in love with him, bastard.”

Izzy dies of laughter through the phone. “Just be you. You’re so cute. I’m sure he secretly loves you, too.”

It warns my heart to think that. “Maybe.” I yawn.

“Mom, are you failing to earn dad’s love? I can help you.” Prince’s voice flits to my ear.

I got a pillow and threw it at him. “Didn’t I tell you that listening to other people’s phone calls is bad manners?!” I shouted.

“You have never said that to me.” Prince narrows.

Prince sure does have a great memory. “Okay fine. I want your dad to fall in love with me, but I’m not sure what I should do.”

“Well, don’t try to cook for him. Lord knows you can’t.” Izzy comments.

I scoff. “Prince, go to your room. This is adult stuff.”

“Your loss.” Prince scoffs as he walks into the hall.


“This is everything,” Hernández says as I watch his men fill up one of my warehouses with drugs that will be distributed throughout the clubs I own. The socialites of Miami have deep pockets and I aim to collect. I don’t like drugs myself, but I don’t feel bad selling to rich bastards who have the money. They could buy as much coke as they wanted.

“Reyna should be here. I should have woken her up.” I say to myself.
