Page 99 of Widowed

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Kyro doesn’t laugh. He looks as angry as he is saddened.

I yawn and I feel a pain in my head. “Fuck, my head hurts.”

“You have a fracture, but it’s not deadly.” Kyro finally speaks.

“Kyro, please stop worrying. The cuts will heal. I’ll have scars, but I’ll be alive.” I reassure. “Unless you’re worried about still being attracted to me?”

Kyro narrows. “Reyna, there’s not a thing on this earth that they could do to you that would make me not find you attractive. I love you for more than just your beautiful body. Which is still beautiful now. I can’t take the fact that I let this happen. I should have had more men with you. I knew there was a chance they would come after you, but I didn’t think. I was lost in my vengeance, and I was not there to protect youagain.”

I look into those piercing blue eyes that seem to hold my word. “Then be there next time. This was bound to happen, and it could have been worse. I’m hurt now, but I’ll heal and get some badass scars to show for it.” I try to make light. “I’ll finally get a gangster-worthy nickname.”

Kyro could not help but crack a smile at my jokes, “Yeah? Like what?”

“Stitches,” I say proudly.

Kyro begins to burst out with laughter. “Absolutely not.”

I roll my eyes, but my smile remains. “I love you, Kyro. It’s so strange.”

“That you love me?” He narrows.

“No, that accepting your love would bring me so much peace. My body hurts like hell, but when I see you, this pain turns into nothing. I’ll heal. I’m not as fragile as they think I am.”

Kyro hovers and kisses my lips gently. “I love you,zhena. When you feel better, we can play doctor, won’t that be fun?”

“Fuck, that sounds like a good time.” I giggle through the pain. My eyes wander the room. “I’m hungry.” I pout.

“Doctors said soft foods for now,” Kyro informs, and I groan. “Behave.” He warns playfully.

I clear my throat, “And Prince? Is he still at my parents?”

“Yes, I told him to stay there for a few more days. He’ll come back when you’re home. I don’t think he could handle you in a hospital bed.” Kyro notices my reaction to his words.

“My baby.” I pout.

“He’s stronger than you think, but you are his soft spot. We have that in common.” Kyro smiles.

I try to raise my arm, but the pain deters me from moving any further. Kyro’s hand slides into my own. His strong hands grasp mine softly.

Several Days Later


Reyna has been sleeping again for hours. Her body is weak, and she can’t move without causing herself pain. This just can’t go unanswered. There’s got to be another. When another rises, I’ll be there waiting with my knife.

“Reyna’s pain will lighten over two more weeks. She can go home, but she shouldn’t be on her feet. Let her rest up in bed. You might want to get an aid to help when you’re not around. She’ll need help with getting to the restroom and bathing for the next few days.” The doctor explains.

“So embarrassing…” I hear Reyna mutter.

She must have been awake.

“Mrs. Novikov, you’ll be back to your independence soon. I’m sure your husband will take diligent care of you.” The doctor smiles.

My wicked smile has found its rightful place on my face again, and I know my wife knows I’m nothing but trouble.

“I’m sure. Thank you, Dr. Rodriguez.” Reyna says sweetly, but her eyes are narrowed at me.

My wife may be healing, but that does not mean I can’t tease her.
