Page 44 of Innocent

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He held my eyes as he tucked it inside his jacket before holding out his hand to me. I licked my lips, knowing I probably looked like a hot mess, but regardless letting him help me onto my feet. I wobbled a little, and he reached for my hips, holding me steady with an amused smile as I tried to control my hair and adjust my dress so it fell right and wouldn’t flash people as I walked by.

“You look fucking beautiful,” he murmured, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he swiped his thumb across the edge of my lip, I imagine trying to tidy it a little. “How do you feel?”

“Thoroughly fucked.”

The concentration on his face morphed into a gentle smirk. “Good, now let’s play a game.”

“Mmm?” I reached for his tie, adjusting it back into place and tugging at his collar.

He took my hand and led me toward the door, pressing it open and guiding me out before letting it swing closed behind us. The moment we began to walk, I knew I was in trouble. My thighs were already damp from my own release, but it was only seconds before I felt his arm circle my waist and he leaned in. “It’s called, with both of us thinking about how fucking wet you already are, how long before we have to find somewhere quiet to fuck again.”

I swallowed hard as we stepped back into the party, pausing right at the edge. “I give it an hour,” I whispered, pressing my thighs together.

He lowered his head, pressing his lips to my hair. “I’ll meet you back down the hall in thirty minutes.”

I licked my lips as a couple approached us with glasses in their hands and welcoming smiles on their faces. “Drake! So good to see you.”

“Deal,” I whispered under my breath, causing him to chuckle before he held out his hand to the people in front of us.

“Emily and Carl, how are you?”

Seemed like it was going to be a long night.


“Did you design this place?” Cassie asked as I grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the refrigerator behind the bar, sliding one across to her. We were heading out to Sunday fight night on the strip in a few minutes, and since I was driving, Cassie had decided to go out in sympathy with me and stay sober too, especially after the party on Friday night.

“Why do you ask?”

I leaned into the bar, watching her as she spun around slowly on the barstool, taking in the broad space inside the clubhouse. When her eyes returned to mine, she had this knowing smile. “Because it’s you.”

I raised a brow, trying to hide my smirk as I lifted the bottle of water to my lips. “It’s me?” I questioned before taking a sip, though curious as hell to hear her answer. I didn’t design this place, but she wasn’t entirely wrong, given I did pick out the style and finishings.

“Mmm,” she hummed, spinning once more before bracing her hands on the bar. “It’s sophisticated but a little rough. You wanted it to have an edge that represented the club so you knew they wouldn’t feel like you were trying to make them something other than themselves, but you also wanted it to be a classy, sexy kind of edge. It’s you.”

I didn’t know whether the laugh that came out was because I wanted to think what she said was ridiculous or whether it was the shock of knowing she had completely fucking nailed it. How the hell someone had picked up those kinds of details this quickly had me a little shook, but I wasn’t quite ready to let her know she had me read. “So what I’m hearing is you think I’m classy and sexy.”

The eye roll in response was dramatic. “Of course, that’s what you heard.” Cassie snatched the water bottle and headed out to the backyard, her hips swinging and the tiny Daisy Dukes that decorated them convincing me to follow, though she stopped at the doorway and spun around.

“Woah there, buddy, let me help you navigate that inflated ego so it doesn’t get stuck in the doorwa—” I rushed forward, a playful grin lighting up her face as she backed away.

“You’re playing with fire,” I warned, advancing on her.

She tugged at the front of her shirt, scurrying backward to the picnic table underneath the awning. “I’m feeling a little hot.”


“I can help with that,” I told her, making my way around the table as she continued to fan herself dramatically. She didn’t move as I stepped up in front of her and wrapped my hand around her neck, her eyes fluttering closed as I pressed my lips to her still-smiling mouth.

She leaned in, reaching for my belt and pressing up on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss.

Though, I had other plans.

I lifted the cold water bottle in my hand, upending it over her head and chuckling as I stepped back before it could splash all over me. She gasped. It was just a splash, but her hair was soaked and stuck to her face, her long lashes catching some of it as she blinked at me.

“Oh boy,” she spluttered, letting out a shuddering laugh. “You just started a war, sir.”

“You were warned,” I teased, reaching out to pull some wet hair from her face and push it back.

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