Page 86 of Sacrifice

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Because I knew she had everything she needed right there in front of her.

With him.

“Kid, if they can’t see how amazing you are…” Hawk started, reaching out and tugging at one of her pigtails, “… then they don’t fucking deserve to have you as a friend.”

Kadey let out a gentle giggle, she always did when Hawk swore. She knew they were adult words and that she wasn’t to use them, but I’d never asked Hawk or his brothers to censor themselves. They were rough as hell around the edges and gave no fucks about what the world thought about them.

They had nothing to prove to anyone.

And that’s the kind of world I wanted Kadey to be a part of.

One where she didn’t feel like she had to look or dress a certain way to be loved or accepted.

We had found that place here.

With the club.

With Hawk.

“Come on,” Hawk said as he got up off the bed, lifting Kadey off the floor and into his arms. “Let’s get downstairs before your mom freaks out.”

I gently eased the door open, a grin on my face as I shook my head. “I heard that.”

“Uh-oh, busted,” Kadey chimed.

“You ready go…” My words trailed off as the roar of motorcycles grew louder, the deep rumble beginning to vibrate through the floor.

It swirled around me like a comforting cloak. I’d become accustomed to hearing it at all hours of the day and night, and it was a sound I now associated with family. Yet, even a year into Hawk’s and my relationship, it never failed to feel like a fresh breath of air filling my lungs.

This felt different, though.

It was louder.

More intense.

I raised my eyebrows at Hawk, but all he did was smirk back at me before looking at Kadey. “Sounds like your ride is here, kid,” he told her, placing her on the floor. “Why don’t you go have a look.”

Kadey didn’t need to be told twice, her tiny footsteps already pattering down the staircase to the front door.

Hawk stalked toward me, his arm circling my waist and pulling me in so I was pressed hard against his body.

I traced my finger around the VP patch on the front of his leather cut and looked up at him. “What did you do?” I questioned with a smile, raising my voice a little over the thunderous motors revving outside.

“Just invited a few friends to come by for Kadey’s first day,” he explained with a shrug though the smirk was still plastered to his lips, and the level of noise coming from the front of our house was a sure sign our street had more bikers in it than the twelve or so club members who frequented it.

“A few friends,” I teased, grabbing a tight hold of his shirt and lifting up onto my tip toes.

“Yeah, she should have her family with her during all those big firsts,” he announced, lifting his free hand and curling it around the back of my neck. “Gotta let all those other brats know what they will face if they fuck around with my kid.”

Her family.

My kid.

I shook my head, unable to believe that I’d found someone as fucking incredible as the man standing in front of me. “You’re kind of amazing, you know.” I leaned in, pressing my lips against his.

I’d once questioned whether my heart would ever not race when this man touched me or kissed me, and I can confirm that it indeed still did.

Every. Single. Time.

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