Page 90 of The Light Within

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If it were any other woman, I wouldn’t go to these lengths.

But I love her with a depth that astounds even me.

It’s not a typical love.

Our love is messy, born from tragedy, a spark lit during the darkest time of our lives.

The flame flickered, bursting to life, engulfing us with a reckless passion neither of us knew we needed.

Once we got a taste of it, we couldn’t stop.

It consumed us, lighting up our darkness, and we found an equal in one another.

We are two halves of one dark soul.

Both of us possess a lightness that only the other can bring out.

Right now, that light is hidden as we feed the darkness.

My voice is low, dripping with venom. “You put your filthy, unworthy hands on my fucking woman, sticking a needle in her neck. You removed her jacket and bound her wrists and ankles together, throwing her in that disgustingly cold concrete bunker.” Pacing slowly in front of him, my gaze never wavers as the rage floods my veins like a dam bursting.

Suddenly I pull to a stop, my fist flying out and striking him in the face.

His head jerks with the hit, blood pouring from his nose.

The fucker is lucky I’m punching with my left hand and not my right.

Bryan moves closer, grabbing Colin’s sweaty, oily hair, holding his head in place, forcing him to watch what I’m about to do.

When Colin’s eyes snag the large pruning shears in my hand, I set to work. “You put your filthy fucking fingers on her.” I cut off one finger with the sheers, blood spurting from it and spraying on me, Bryan, and of course, all over Colin. “You don’t fucking touch what’smine.” I cut a finger from his other hand, his loud wails filling the space. “Keep screaming, asshole. Where we are, no one can fucking hear you.”

Bryan smirks, tilting Colin’s head back. “You cry a lot, Colin. Fucking pussy.” Bryan spits in his face before releasing his hair.

“P-please. I-I have… a f-family,” he stutters weakly.

I raise my brows. “Do you, now? You mean, the wife you cheated on with every whore you could find who would fuck you? The one who left you, filed for divorce, and took nearly everything you own.” I sneer at him, despising him for lying, but even more for being a cheating scumbag. “And what about your kids, who hardly know you since you were never around? The ones who don’t want to see you. Your wife had to bribe them with candy and toys to get them to go with you. When they cried because they missed their mom, you called your mother and dumped them on her.” I shake my head. “Is that the family you’re talking about?”

His body shakes, surprise lining his face as he stares up at me.

“I know far more than you think, Colin. You’re a pathetic asshole. You treated them like shit, using them as a trophy in public. But in private, you wanted nothing to do with them.” I grab his chin, forcing him to look at me. “You don’t have a family, Colin. They want nothing from you. I wonder if they’ve even noticed you’re missing? Probably not.” Releasing his chin, I wave my hand dismissively.

Colin sobs, his misery and pain mingling together like a black cloud filling the room.

I havenosympathy for him.

Tilting my head up, I gaze at Everleigh. Her love for me shines in her eyes, preventing me from slipping completely into the darkness.

Preventing the monster from taking me over.

As I spit those words at Colin, a certainty that I will never be like him vibrates in my bones. I will love my wife and kids, giving them everything I lacked as a boy, but desperately wanted.

As will the woman looking down on me, her hand sliding over her stomach, reassuring our twins.

They are going to be so fucking loved.

As she lifts her head, shifting her body, I’m mesmerized by how the moonlight pours through the side window, lighting up one side of her face. One side of her porcelain skin is bathed in light, giving it an ethereal glow. It glints in her eye, turning the color to honey. Meanwhile, the other side of her face is shrouded in darkness, her skin a dark bluish gray. Her iris is so dark it’s barely discernible from the shadows, only the sclera visible.

She is the epitome of light and dark.
