Page 86 of Whispered Surrender

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“Marenah, do not ever underestimate the reach of your family. It would not be advisable. Your grandfather has known about your interactions with Interpol since you signed with them last year. Do not take what I’m going to say out of context, but there was a reason, other than your amazing marksmanship, that they wanted you on their team. A faction within Interpol wanted guilt to point in the direction of your family, and what better way to do that than to have you part of the inside. We know your heart was in the right place, but when you applied, it was like a bonus for them. All they had to do was walk away and let you take the fall if something went wrong,” he says, pouring another vodka.

“How are the Larussios involved in all of this?” I ask, holding out my glass, silently asking him to pour me another, too.

“The Italians and our family may not agree on everything, but we both agree that we will not allow the trafficking of human lives in our countries or waters. Giovanni is next in line to take over the Italian Family. It seems your boyfriend’s security team saved him and his great-uncle’s life. They are honorable men and tend to pay their debts,” Kroskov says.

I nod, not fully understanding the connection, but know enough not to ask too many questions in these matters either.

“It was foolish of you to join Interpol. You are talented, but the conflict of interest remains. It is insurmountable, and you will leave your grandfather with little to no choices.”

My temper rises. “What, the choice to kill me or those that I work with?” I say.

“Marenah, do not test me. I have it on good advisement that you only joined looking to get more information on Bernatelli from Chicago. We will do, what they say in America, a compromise. I will tell you what it is you want to know, you will never speak of it to anyone, especially your grandfather, and then you and I will go our separate ways,” he says.

“Wait, what about my grandfather’s wishes? You and I both know he believes we will be together as soon as you are ready to take a wife,” I say.

“Da, it is true, but you are spoken for, and I do not ever intend to take a wife. The work we do is too dangerous, Marenah,” Kroskov says, pouring himself another vodka.

“You are serious,” I say, walking toward him. This man, the one that I have known since a child, the one that will take over the entire Bratva at some point in the future, ruling and governing what does and does not go on in our country.

“I am serious. You are free to explore a relationship with the gentleman outside. If he’s not the one, you will have any future prospect cleared by the family. Understood, Marenah? This is not an option. There is too much at stake, as you’ve learned this evening. Our family and families, like the Larussios try to govern as we can, but with that, brings threats.”

“I understand and thank you, Kroskov,” I say, the emotions of the day and the reality that I have my life back with choices suddenly overwhelming me. I throw my arms around my old childhood friend and hug him tightly. He kisses me on the top of the head, and I sink into his strength, relieved that my entire family and everyone I care about will have this fair and honorable man at the helm of our family one day, when Matt walks into the room.



Marenah walks awaywith the Russian, and I take a moment to glance down at my cell phone as incoming beep after beep distract me. Text after text, first from Chase, then from Brian, and another multitude of strings from Jay.

Resignation denied. Family first.

Resignation denied. Family first.

Resignation denied, Chase called in a favor with the Larussios. By the time you get this message, things should have been sorted. All things, including the conflict you thought may have existed with Marenah. No issues. I’ll leave you to take care of Marenah.

I glance up at the three men standing around waiting for me to say something, but there is a lump in my throat that keeps me from saying anything for a few minutes. Nate seems to notice and breaks the moment. “Just reading the texts from Jay. Thought we were going to get our asses handed to us, and instead he’s giving us all three days off with pay. He wants us to stay in the city for dinner tomorrow night,” he says.

I nod, still too choked up to speak in sentences. “Roger that,” I say, walking by them and through the door to find Marenah. I know she said she’ll be fine, but I have a grave need to see that for myself after all that has transpired. I make my way through the foyer and down the lit hall and into the great room, to find her wrapped in the hulky arms of the tattooed bastard with crystalline blue eyes.

He lifts his eyes to glance at me and then turns her head to face him. “Be well, do as I’ve asked, and make sure you stay in touch this time.”

He turns and addresses me. “Giovanni Larussio wants a blessing by the family for your relationship. After what you did tonight, I concur. If she chooses to be with you, then you have the family’s blessing. Know that it comes with a death sentence if you ever hurt her in any way,” Kroskov says, stepping away from Marenah without as much as a handshake to me.

He’s an intense fucker, but if he thinks he’s calling the shots where Marenah is concerned, he can think again, but I do know there is a fine line of trust and hate between all the families, and I’m not foolish enough to disrespect that right now. If there comes a time, I will, but not now.

“Thank you,” is all I say as the formidable Russian turns and walks out of the house.

I take her hand, and the magnetism between us is palpable. All I want to do is take her in my arms and hold her, but I can sense the hesitation and uncertainty swirling in her eyes. “What is it, Princess?” I say, reaching out to stroke her cheek and push a strand of long blonde hair that is covering her face behind her ear.

She hesitates for a moment, but then seems to gather her resolve. “I’m afraid he’s been like that since we were kids, and I doubt it’s likely to change.”

Marenah thinks I’m concerned, and I think that’s sweet. My little princess looking out for the mafia bad boy is humorous, but I nod and stroke her cheek.

“There are things that I need to take care of. I know you would help, but I need to do this myself, Matt. If I am ever going to be free from all the drama that is my life, I need to take care of something. Something just isn’t adding up with all of this, and I need to find out exactly what it is that’s still bothering me. If not, I fear it will haunt me and whoever I am with for the rest of our lives.”

I catch that she didn’t say that it would haunt us, and I swallow, knowing that walking away from her and giving her this time is going to be one of the hardest things I’ve done, but if this is what she needs, then I will honor her wishes. “Goodbye Marenah. Stay safe, Princess,” I say, kissing her lightly on the lips, turning, and walking out the door.

Kroskov is talking with the guys when I walk out to the helipad, and his eyes narrow to slits as he sees me alone. “I’m not sure what she needs to take care of, but I trust that you will keep her safe while she’s doing it,” I say.

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