Page 87 of Whispered Surrender

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He nods. “It shall be done,” he says, extending his hand to mine before I head to the helicopter. As soon as we’re boarded, the engines engage and we are on our way.

“Brian and Chase both offered for us to stay in their condos this evening. The entire gang will be back tomorrow. In the meantime, Jay needs our help getting a few things lined up for tomorrow night,” Nate says.

“What’s going on?” I say.

“Sasha’s got a ballet performance tomorrow night, and everyone’s coming to Chicago to see it and then out for dinner,” Nate says, and Dereck rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat.

“I’m going to head to my place,” I say. The need to be by myself with my thoughts of Marenah overshadowing everything right now, and we split up into different cars, each going our own ways when we reach the ground.

* * *

I’m just dryingoff from a long shower when my cell rings with Jenny’s ringtone. I wrap the towel around my waist and answer as I head into the living room to pour a stiff drink. “Matt, I was worried sick about you! What were you thinking, sending Brian a text like that? You can’t just send him a message that you’re resigning with no explanation. He went absolutely ballistic,” she says, and I can completely see the hothead doing just that if he thought it had anything to do with Jenny. I settle into the couch and take a sip of my drink, knowing that Jenny, the sister I’ve never had but have now, is not bound to end her tirade quickly, and that I probably deserve it for not providing anyone with a reason. I smile as she keeps on and on.

“How is Marenah, if it’s not prying too much?” Jenny says, and again I smile, because the thought of Jenny ever not prying when she cares about someone just doesn’t happen.

“She did a great job tonight. She took more chances than I wanted, but at the end of the day, we caught the people responsible, and a lot of innocent people are now safe,” I say, feeling a surge of pride for my princess, but at the same time an overwhelming sadness that she’s not in my arms letting me punish her for her brashness and reward her for her bravery.

“Matt, can you still hear me?” Jenny says.

“Oh, sorry, yeah, I can now,” I say, wondering if I’ve missed a part of the conversation, too caught up in my own thoughts.

“I’m not exactly sure what’s happening, although my guess is Brian and Chase do, but Jay asked everyone to attend Sasha’s ballet performance tomorrow night in Chicago, so we’re in the city,” Jenny says.

“You good with that?” I say, knowing that Sasha went out with Brian a few times before he knew Jenny and she didn’t really want to take no for an answer when he was ready to move on.

“Sasha called me and apologized. Told me she was working on herself, and I believe her. Jay’s a good man, and if he sees the good in Sasha, then I am going to do my very best to bury my jealousy. She’s just so beautiful, and a ballerina, too. You know?” Jenny says, and she doesn’t need to tell me just how gorgeous she is because I am in love with her identical twin and adore every single inch of her body.

“Jenny, if Brian had wanted her, he would have stayed with her. Simple as that. He wanted to move on, even before he met you. Brian doesn’t have eyes for anyone but you, Jenny,” I say, and I can almost see her little nod of acceptance through the telephone.

“Yeah, and I trust him, Matt, so no, I don’t have a problem with this. You guys all mean the world to Chase and Brian and the rest of us. We want to be there for whatever Jay has planned. I’ll deal with the green-eyed monster,” Jenny says.

“Good girl. Now, tell me the name of the place we’re meeting. I’ve got a few things I want to do tomorrow, so I’ll meet you there,” I say, knowing that I may not make it but keying the address into the phone as she gives it to me, just in case.

“Matt, I hope you know how much I appreciate everything that you did to get me off the Bernatelli family’s target. Brian isn’t telling me much. Is it over, I mean is it over for you?” Jenny says.

“It’s over as far as you’re concerned, Jenny, and they know if they come after any one of us, that all hell will break loose with the Russians, but the family interests are so intertwined now, we’ll see what happens,” I say.

“Okay, as long as you’re okay, Matt,” Jenny says.

“I’m fine. Take care of yourself and tell Brian thanks. Gotta go. Damian’s trying to get ahold of me,” I say.

“What, wait, Matt, I have no clue what’s going on, but Brian asked him to check on my niece. I let her and her boyfriend move into my old house, but my mom and aunt haven’t heard from her in quite a bit. It’s been too long, Matt.”

I scowl, not having heard anything about this. “I’ll give him a call and let you know what’s up. Try not to worry. I’ll see you tomorrow at the performance,” I say, disconnecting and hitting Damian’s number.

He answers on the first ring. “Me and the guys are in town. Just got off the phone with Jenny, and she said you were checking up on her niece,” I say.

“I am, but things aren’t looking good. I’ve got intel digging right now, but it appears as though she’s gone off the grid or someone’s taken her. I’ve followed her trail as far as it goes at this point,” Damian says.

“What the fuck?”

“I’m handling it but may need some help. She was last seen with her boyfriend, but after what I’ve learned about him, I’m not feeling any better. I need a few more hours to get the last of the intel together. I’ll be back in Chicago tomorrow in time to catch the show if something actionable doesn’t pop up,” Damian says.

“Roger that. I’m in town tonight, staying at my place. The guys are over at Chase and Katarina’s. Let me know if you need any help,” I say, wishing there was better news for Jenny and her mom, but knowing that they’ve got the best intel in the world and one of the best agents we have on the trail of her niece.

“Will do,” Damian says before disconnecting, and I text Scottie for an update on Marenah.

I don’t know how this will end. Marenah signed up with Interpol to ensure atrocities such as trafficking do not occur and to find the leak in the organization, but what I don’t know is if her heart is so vested that she can never give it up, because she and I both know we can’t be together while in our current states of employment.
