Page 51 of Silver Fox

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“Yes. I can’t leave James in the same room with Tiffany. Her claws come out at dusk.”

“It would be easier if you told him the truth. We should make a pact to reveal their fatherhood at the fundraiser.”

“We can’t ruin the company’s biggest night,” I said.

“Stop thinking so negatively. James could be delighted.”

“The operative word here iscould. We’re working for our boyfriends and the fathers of our children, and they have no clue. There’s no hell pit deep enough for people like us.”

Allie reached over to where our desks joined and held out her pinkie. “Let’s make a reasonable pact.”

My brows furrowed. “Define reasonable.”

“We tell them as soon as an opportunity presents itself.”

That could be anytime. Telling James I’d kept his son from him was a tough nut to crack, no matter how I cracked it. Point was, it had to be cracked.

I hooked my pinkie into hers. “Deal.”

A light knock sounded from the door and Teresa stepped through, holding a potted plant in front of her.

“Knock, knock.”

I waved her in. “Come in, come in.”

“I brought a gift.” She set a small tree with oval leaves on my desk. “It’s a ficus ginseng, and it’s said to bring good luck and harmony.”

“Thank you. That’s very sweet. Welcome to Laura and Allie’s corner at Silver Securities.”

“Why not Allie and Laura’s?” Allie stood up from her chair. “Never mind. I gotta go to the bathroom. Morning sickness doesn’t just happen in the mornings.”

Teresa’s face fell. “She’s pregnant?”

“Tristan’s baby,” I said. “We’re great at getting pregnant by the Silvers, but not so great at communicating the news.”

“Does Wilma know?” she asked.

Allie grabbed the phone off her desk. “Emma’s the only one. She found out before me, and I’m trying to tell Tristan. There’s lots going on with the Hartleys, too, but I gotta go before my bladder gives way.”

She left, and Teresa sat down on the chair next to mine.

“How are you feeling, and why are you at work so soon?”

“I’m feeling fine. They removed the stitches, and the pain’s gone. How’s Kensi?”

“Nearly back to her bubbly self. She’s down the hall with her mother. They came to visit James, and she’d doing amazing. You saved her life.”

“I did what anyone would have done in my shoes. Where’s Foxy?” I whispered.

“He’s with his grandpa, which is why I need to talk to you. Jake wants to set up a tent in our backyard for a camping weekend with Foxy. Do you mind if he stays with us?”

“You’re offering me free babysitting on a weekend and asking if I mind?”

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes, of course it’s a yes.”

“Good. Now, when are you going to tell my son about his son?”
