Page 57 of Silver Fox

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“I couldn’t agree more.”

My father lifted his glass in a cheer.

“My parents are throwing a party for Kensi to celebrate her recovery. I would love if you came with Ozzy.”

“Me and Ozzy?” Her quick, high-pitched laugh threw me off, and I covered her hand with mine underneath the table.

“Come on—it’s time you show off your cute boy to the family.”

“How do you know he’s cute? You’ve only seen him in a fox costume.”

“I saw his photographs on the wall at your home. Don’t be so modest, babe. Ozzy’s a handsome boy.”

My mother spat into her napkin. “You saw his pictures?”

“Yes,” I leaned in closer. “A few weeks ago, after your surgery. That shower took everything out of you.”

Her cheeks flushed pink.

“I left after you fell asleep. Point is, Ozzy and Laila are close in age, so they’ll each make a friend.”

“You should definitely come, Laura,” my mother encouraged, and I gave her a grateful smile.

“And invite your parents,” I added. “You know, since you’ve reconciled.”

Her eyes flashed open wide, and she choked on her drink. I passed her a napkin, and she dabbed her lips.

“Thank you. I would love to come.” She relaxed into a smile just as someone tapped me on my shoulder.

“Hi, Fox. Care to dance?”

I turned around as Tiffany sat down in the free chair my younger brother had left. She covered my hand with hers, and my skin immediately itched like an allergic reaction. I pulled my hand away.

“I don’t think so, Tiff.”

“Well, if you don’t care to dance, then I need to speak with you privately. It’s important.”

“Let me guess—it can’t wait until tomorrow.”

“It’s about Kensi, so no, it can’t.”

I let out a grunt and turned to Laura, kissing her cheek.

“I won’t be long,” I whispered in her ear, and stood up.

I followed Tiffany out of the gala room and into a side hall, where we found a bench against a wall and sat down.

“What’s going on with Kensi?”

“Promise to keep this to yourself?”

“All right. What is it?”


What the hell was this about?

“I promise,” I said.
