Page 81 of Pucking the Players

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Usually, a reminder of him had old trauma trying to resurface but now it just made me chuckle. I shook my head quickly.

"No, you guys thoroughly scared him off. I haven't heard from him or his mother in almost a year," I said.

Thank god for that. I haven't looked back once.

He was part of my past and one that I would never revisit. I would never let myself feel that way again, and now that I had the guys, I wouldn't have to.

"Everything's perfect, Dad," I said, before turning around for the second time tonight. It took him a second before I heard his breath catch.

"Are you serious, Macy? Have you told your mom?" His voice came out in a rush and I turned around to see his excited smile. His eyes blinked a few times but Dad never let himself show too much emotion. Except when with mom.

"Mom was the only one I told," I admitted. "I'm shocked she didn't spill my secret but promised she wouldn't."

"That brat not telling me," he huffed playfully to himself.

"So, what do you think?"

He looked back up and beamed at me. I knew then that he was going to be amazing with my baby.

"Grandpa does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

* * *

Six Months Later

"Cover him, hurry!” Elias said in a hushed whisper as Brock wrangled a diaper on our son. Tate stood back and shook his head as they both cursed, barely avoiding getting doused. He stepped in and secured the diaper that Brock was struggling with still.

He scooped up our son and placed a soft kiss on his little wrinkled forehead before depositing him into my waiting arms. I looked down at him and he blinked open his little eyes.

The flood of warmth and love that I felt every time I stared down at him would never get old.

He was perfect, from his dark hair to his pretty blue eyes.

I'd expected since his daddies were hockey players that he would be huge but he was so tiny yet constantly growing. We'd only had him home a week after the delivery and each day it felt like he was growing before my eyes.

I was exhausted but in the best way.

"He's perfect, isn't he?" Tate murmured as he kissed me on the head and settled beside me. Brock and Elias joined us on the huge bed we had had custom made for us.

Roscoe was never one to be forgotten and used his dog ramp to climb up and join us, giving his baby a quick lick before snoozing by our side.

"He is," I agreed. "And he has our last name."

We shared a smile at that thought.

It took us over a month of debating before Brock had proposed that Elias and I get married at the justice of the peace. Since we couldn't marry each other as a group, we married and they married, celebrating our union with our family and ending the night with a tying of the knot that Sam led for us all.

It was everything.

Once our son was big enough to handle a reception we were going to throw a big one, inviting all of our friends and throwing it at the rink with the team.

For now it was just us, our son, and the perfect little family we’d created.

What more could a girl ask for?

* * *

The End
