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“Open for what?” Annabelle takes a step closer to Castor.

“Just open.”

“I see. And does a real mermaid take things like this into account?”

“You are a real mermaid, Annabelle.” Castor’s tone is deep and needy.

“On this, we can agree.” I step toward her, and she takes a step back.

“Castor?” She pokes him in the chest with her finger.

He captures her finger and intertwines their hands. “Annabelle.” Castor pulls her into the closest room. It’s his old bedroom, the one he shared with Nole, Soren, and Gotham. “Close the door behind you, Nico.” Castor sits on the closest twin bed and tugs Annabelle into his lap. His lips are on hers. But when the door latches, locking us in, he looks up. “I meant on your way out. But this works too. This corset is rather tight.” He’s fighting with the laces.

Annabelle jumps up, making a frustrated noise.

“Let me help you.” I come at her.

“No, that’s not it. But I’m not having sex with you.”

I’m shocked. I cock my head at Castor.

“Or you.” She throws her hands up in the air. “Or me.”

Or me? I have no idea what she’s talking about.



I’m up and ready to step away from the door when Castor’s dad and Constantine stop me. “Sirs.” I incline my head and keep going, hoping they’ll get the idea I’m not up for a chat.

“Hold up there, Holter,” Castor’s dad says. “Before you end up leaving the city again, we want the recipe for— What was that thing called again?” He turns to Constantine.

“I’m not sure I’m going anywhere for a while. I’ll make sure to check with you for anything you need before I leave next time.” There’s not going to be a next time, but I’m not mentioning that now. Not to Castor’s fathers. Not with everything so raw.

“Good, good.” His dad slaps me on my back, and unlike when he did it when I was a kid, I don’t slide along the floor. He stares at me, obviously shocked I didn’t move. “Time moves with the current.” And he leaves the room.

I’m stewing when I get back into the hallway. I’ve had it with Castor. He’s leading Belle on. He’s not going to mate her and ruin his chances at becoming king. He’s the golden boy. He has his pick of any mermaid in the whole city. Especially now that Nico is mated and their pact is over. They’ll be blowing up his block and wanting every second of his time as he walks around the city. If he was the most eligible bachelor in the Veiled City before, he’s even more eligible without the hook of Nico stuck into his fluke. So why Castor is leading Belle on is fucking infuriating.

When I get to Kai’s room, it’s empty. I strut back into the hall, but this apartment is the size of the Great Sculpture Hall, only with walls, doors, and lots of Ophelia’s retired mates.

Library, workout rooms, and even the butler’s pantry checked. I march down to the nursery wings. Why they would have come down here, I have no idea.

I glance in a few empty bedrooms before I think of Castor’s old room. Then I race down the hall. Before I touch the knob, the door bursts open. Belle comes out full force and smacks into me. I grab both of her arms to steady her.

“Holter.” Her eyes are wide and rimmed with tears. They’ve made her cry. Or almost cry.

“Where ya going so fast, Belle?” I’m boiling inside. I look over her head. Both Castor and Nico have their arms crossed over their chests. I pull her even closer. Smoothing the fine hairs away from her ear, I whisper, “Is there anyone I need to hurt?” I don’t care that I’m standing in the duchess’s hallway. I smooth her hair like somehow that’s going to make a fucking difference.

She pulls back, her eyes full of concern. “No. I’m good.” Belle is a shitty liar. I don’t let go of her arm. “Really, Holter. I just want to go change my clothes.”

“Okay.” I let her go, and she glances from me to the room where the two blubber heads are fuming. Belle heads farther down the nursery wing hallway, then stops and pivots. “That way?” It’s part question and part statement.

“Yes, that way,” Castor says and adds, “Sixth door on the right.”

She flutters by me and quick-steps down the hall. I follow behind her, giving her space. Castor and Nico trail me. The three of us stalk after her. She rushes into the room, then darts out of it again and flees across the room to Kai’s lounge, a bundle in her hand. The door slams behind her, and a deadbolt slides into place.

“What the hell?” I’m talking to both of them, but I’m looking at Nico. “I guess she needs some alone time.”
