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“We’re good.” I wave the server off. “Here, have some water.” I push a glass toward Castor. “Drink.”

“I’m made of water. I don’t need any more.”

“You, my friend, are made of hot air. And you’re drunk.”

“I’m not made of hot air. What in the trident are you talking about?”

“You and your Drakos ways.” I set my water glass down.

“My Drakos ways. What the hell does that mean?”

“Nothing. Forget about it.” I shouldn’t have brought it up. Castor’s not the only one drunk.

“It means something, and I’m not going to forget about it. You’re my friend, you know. Right? What did you mean by it?”

I know better. I should leave it for the lobsters to feed on. “You’re you.” I raise my water glass to him. “You’ve always thought you were better than Nico.”

“Nico? No one is better than Nico.”

I purse my lips.

“I’m no better than Nico. I am no better than you. I’m not worth the water I displace in the ocean when I swim. I’m not a savior of Hestertåtten.”

I’m so fucking sick of the word Hestertåtten. It’s the first thing I latch on to. But then it hits me that he thinks he’s not worth his weight in water. I’ve spent a lifetime resenting him. His family. But really, he’s just trying to do the best for our dome, our nation, and Nico. “Stop. You’re the great Castor Drakos. Heir to the Drakos fortune. Future king.”

“I’m not heir to anything. You know that. It will all go to my sister. Heir to the Drakos everything. My sister. She’s got a crush on you.”

“Kai? That’s nuts.”

“Oh, fish skins. Are you an eel’s balls? Half the mermaids in the city are waiting for their eggs to dry up to gobble you up. And those who aren’t waiting are actively scheming to get you into their pods right now.”

The server comes by. “Here’s the tab. I heard you talking. It’s true. If you want my sister’s contact number, she would gladly welcome you.”

“I’m, ah, good. But thank you.”

“If you change your mind, let me know.” He inclines his head at me.

“I’ll remember that.” I most definitely will not be remembering it. I’ll be lucky if I can remember my own name in the morning. Castor has bought so many rounds of drinks, I’ve lost count.

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.”

“Fine.” I know I’m wanted in a lot of pods. “But what I’m talking about is why are you such— Wait, Kai? Eww. She’s like a sister to me.”

Castor shrugs. “I obviously don’t understand mermaids.”


We sit staring into our water glasses. “You think I act like I’m better than you?” he says at the same time I say, “We’re not special.”

“Oh, for the love of kraken,” the mermaid at the next table says.

“I think we should go.” Castor turns back to me.

“Agreed,” I say. I decided an hour ago that we’ve got to leave the Gorsca here at the Shipwreck Grill because we’re both too drunk to drive, even on autopilot. Hell, Castor might be too drunk to swim. But I open the trunk of his expensivesoloso we can leave our clothes in it. I’ve got an urge to push him into it and drive away. But that might be the mafia movies I watched while we were stuck in Boston. I lock the trunk up, and we head for the airlock.

“I had fun.” Castor pushes his hair away from his face. There’s a strange sense of wonder and a lilt to his tone, like he’s never had fun before.

The water pours in around my ankles. “That can happen, especially when you buy a round of drinks for everyone in the place. People tend to make sure you’re having a blast.”

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