Page 43 of Beaver

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I hurried to Elliot and Beverly since they hadn’t moved yet. As I stroked Beverly’s head, she leaned into my touch and grunted softly. With my other hand, I pressed my fingers to Elliot’s throat to check his pulse. It was quick but strong.

His eyes slowly opened, and he smiled at me. “I saved someone.”

I smiled back. “You did well. Are you—”

The bed creaked, and I spotted two shadows leaping to their feet.

Flaming magic roared to life in one of their hands, illuminating a pair of women with yellow hair. Was that blush and lipstick even though they had been asleep? They looked like stereotypical sorority girls, but then, I had too when I was a bit younger. I knew looks could be deceiving.

I unleashed my magic, letting its purple fire flare in my hands. On the other side of the room, Ram did the same, the light of his purple-black magic dancing in his dark eyes like cruel mirth. He was damn attractive when his powers weren’t aimed at me or someone I cared for.

“Who are you?” said one of the women in a calm tone. “Did Clio send you?”

Chapter 17

Elliot,withBeverlyinhis arms, scrambled away from the strange witch with magic flaming in her hands. Jag rushed forward to grab Elliot’s shoulder and haul him to his feet.

With my magic flaring like purple flames in my palms, I stepped between my men and the witches. While one of the witches held her magic at the ready, the other reached for a lamp on the bedside table. I suspected she was also a witch because the two looked to be sisters and because she wore a gold medallion that was definitely a magical relic she probably shouldn’t own. I wanted to snatch it from her—my old habit of stealing relics died hard, apparently.

Moe waved at the two witches whose motel room we had crashed. “Hi! You asked if Clio sent us. Who’s Clio? Is that the alien who eats humans? Because they did not send us.” He blinked. “Who did send us? I heard a voice in the portal.”

“Quiet,” Ram snapped, and he was right. Though Moe’s friendliness was adorable, we shouldn’t reveal anything to these strangers.

The woman with the medallion hoisted her lamp as though getting ready to throw it. “Would Clio send crazy convicts?”

Moe winced.

“He’s not crazy,” I said, more for his sake than the witches’. They wouldn’t care… or believe that Moe had a perfectly sane reason to ask about aliens who eat humans.

“Yeah,” Moe said. “I’m quirky, not crazy!”

I didn’t dare take my eyes off the witches in case they attacked. “Jag, check the door. Is there a world outside?”

The blonde with swirling magic in her hand raised a brow. “World outside? We’re not on another planet.” She turned to the one with the medallion. “I don’t think Clio sent these idiots, Delphy.”

Delphy shook her head. “Me either. Who did? How did you get through our warded door?”

I spared a glance at Jag as he tugged on a door that wouldn’t open. If they had warded a door, then there was a wider world beyond it.

“We’re the fucking tooth fairies,” I said. “No wards can stop our tooth-stealing powers.”

The sisters exchanged a glance, and then the one with magic waved her hand. I tensed, my magic flaring into a purple shield between us and her.

But instead of an attack shooting at us, the door swung open.

“Success!” Jag said, as though he had managed to unlock the door.

Even though the witch hadn’t attacked us, I didn’t dare drop my shield as I took a step toward the door. Ram nudged Moe with his elbow, and the non-witch sidled toward the exit. Ram followed, eyeing the sisters as I did.

I let the men and Beverly leave first as I held the defensive shield. “We’ll just be going. Enjoy your sad lives.”

“Sad lives?” Delphy said, putting down the lamp to cross her arms over her chest. “We have great lives! We own our own company, and we travel and we have fun.”

“Nobody who is doing well ends up in a motel room with piss stains on the ceiling,” I said. “You look like vanilla low-fat lattes come to life.”

“At least we don’t look like clowns,” the other one said, pointing at the door. “Get out and don’t come back.”

I stood straighter. Nobody insulted my fashion sense—even if I was in a prison uniform. “I’ll have you know that these outfits mean we are very dangerous.”
