Page 110 of Savage Is My Kingdom

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Then he stopped in his tracks, his eyes on my face. “Unless this is too fast, then we’ll stop, right here. Right now.”

“I don’t want to ever stop. I want you, Raz.”

I was drunk on him. Consumed by him.

He was a god of night, his black hair falling past his shoulders, that wicked scar on his face, eyes gleaming with ruthless intent. His hands slid up my body, so much restrained power in his touch I shut my eyes and gave myself over to the feel of his hard, calloused hands on my skin.

“Then hold on, Anaria.” He leaned in and kissed my closed eyes. “Hold on tight.”

“I don’t have anything to hold onto.” I whispered as his cock brushed my entrance, my fingers gripping the smooth top of the table. He nudged inside, groaning when he sank in another inch, then he leaned over me.

“Hold on to me, I won’t let you fall.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, powerful shoulders flexing beneath my fingers.

Raziel slid inside and without that initial pinch of pain, I fully appreciated the sublime way he filled me up, the pressure that was just right, the perfect way he slid out of me, then back in, pleasure shivering through me with every shallow stroke.

He went deeper with every thrust, his powerful body fluid and sure, head bowed beside mine, breaths coming in quick spurts. “I know you’d never let me fall, Raz. I knew that the moment I set eyes on you.” He slid in all the way and paused, while I wrapped my legs around his hips, my heels digging into his hard ass.

“You feel so good inside me, Raziel.” I ran my tongue up his cheek, caught a droplet of sweat.Gods, I could not get enough of him. “I want all of you.”

“Fucking Hades, Anaria, you’re going to make me come.” He drove himself into me ruthlessly, and even so, I wanted more. My orgasm was right there, I just needed…more.

“Raz, please.”

I didn’t know what I needed, but he did, reaching between us to drag his thumb across my clit, timing each stroke perfectly with every deep thrust, my body quivering like an instrument beneath the hands of a master.

“Gods, Anaria, I don’t know how much longer…”

“Fucking Hades.” I moaned and then I was falling. Falling without a net, plummeting down and down, Raziel roaring in my ear as his cock jerked inside me, flooding my channel with his seed, while my inner walls tightened around his hard length.

And when everything went still, when I came back into my skin and could breathe again, I was wrapped in Raziel’s arms. “See.” He nuzzled my neck. “I told you. I’ll never let you fall.”

Twice more, once more on the table and once in the bed, then he buttoned me back into my dress, arranged my hair so it hung over one shoulder, hiding the love bites all over my throat.

“Be careful.” His playfulness had faded over the past few minutes, replaced with a near-feral intensity.

“I’ll be fine.” I smiled up at him, hoping I would, indeed be fine.

“I’m a slave. I can’t get into the Keep, Anaria. Zorander’s busy as fuck, getting the troops ready for this coming war. And you have a fucking Reaper in your room. Don’t tell me you’ll be fine.”

I cupped his face and decided to be as reassuring as I could be. “I’ve known Ember my entire life. We’ve shared every secret; we know everything there is to know about each other. This past week has been the longest we’ve ever been apart.”

I brushed my lips over his. “I’ll be fine.”



Despite Raz’s warning, I floated back into the Keep.

He’d taken away that horrid scar. Kissed the terrible thing away, was more like it, and in that moment…I’d completely fallen for him.

But there was more. The world melted away when we were together, as if life itself had ben distilled down to just the two of us. If I hadn’t been worried about Ember, I would have stayed with Raz the entire night.

Forever, maybe. I pushed that notion away.

There was no use in thinking of forever when getting through today seemed a stretch.
