Page 111 of Savage Is My Kingdom

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But when I was with him…I could be myself.

I never had to guard my feelings, or watch my tongue.

He never made me feel like a nuisance, like Zorander sometimes did, or treat me like the enemy Tavion thought I was. He made me feel like I belonged and I basked in that warm sensation, at least until I saw Crux and Lyrae lurking at the bottom of the main staircase.

Clearly, they were waiting for me, so I didn’t bother avoiding them. “Lyrae. Crux.”

Crux’s feathers ruffled when I addressed Lyrae first, his lip curling, heavy brow shadowing his eyes. “Princess.” She smoothly stepped between us, a cool smile curving her full lips, dipping her head slightly.

“We received word there is a guest in your apartments. The king is…concerned about the manner of her arrival.”

“I…”Should have seen this coming. Hadn’t Raziel warned me?

“I apologize.” Lyrae’s perfectly arched eyebrows went up. “I was more concerned about getting my friend fed and cleaned up than alerting my father to her presence. I see that was a mistake.” Gods, I smelled like Raz, I realized, and while his scent was a delicious reminder, I edged further away.

“You circumvented our security.” Crux hissed; the most words I’d ever heard him speak at one time. “Guests are to be approved by the king’s private guard, or Lyrae and myself.”

“Then I shall bring my friend down so you can interview her.” I didn’t know if this was the right decision, but given her performance with Tavion earlier, I expected Ember could hold her own against these two.

“The prison, behind the…” Crux growled.

Lyrae set her hand on his arm. “The anteroom off the Grand Salon.” She demurred softly and nodded in that direction. “Twenty minutes.”

“I shall do my best to be on time.”

I raced back to my room, frantic, sure she would be gone, sure she’d be…

I should have stayed, instead of warning the others. Should have left Raziel before things spiraled out of control between us, because if the Reaper had…

Sophie was helping Ember into one of the barely-there dresses, dipping into an apologetic curtsy when I burst into the room. “Your friend’s clothes could not be saved after her ordeal.” She apologized. “And this is the only thing that fit her properly.”

When Ember turned, I was stunned to silence.

She’d been beautiful before, but now…there was no word for what she was now. Her skin glowed, her body curved in places it hadn’t been before. In that dress, she looked positively sinful. After I got over my shock, I strode forward and took her hands.

“You look lovely.” I told her. “We will have some proper dresses made for you; these were…” I met Sophie’s eyes. Raz was right. I would have to watch every word that came out of my mouth when I was around my friend.

“These were part of my father’s scheme to get me married off as quickly as possible.”

A sly smile curved her lips, her eyes dancing. The old Ember would never have worn something so revealing, in fact, she would rather wrap herself in a bedsheet than be put in display like this, but the new Ember…

She ran her hands over her hips, the slits in the side of the dress leaving her creamy thighs bare. Her hair was a wild mass of curls, her breasts barely covered, her lips painted blood-red to match.

“Don’t worry Anaria.” Her mouth quirked up. “I have no wish to marry anyone.”

She was less Ember and more the Reaper, as if the creature was consuming my friend, one bite at a time.

“Crux and Lyrae sent word a few moments ago; they wish to…speak to your friend.” Sophie brought a pair of slippers, set them in front of Ember. “It seemed haste was in order, my princess.” At my title, Em’s eyes flashed to black, then returned to silver, though her awful, mocking smile stayed in place.

“Lead the way,princess. I am anxious to meet this Crux, if he makes your servant tremble so.”

“Ember.” I warned sharply. “Do not disrespect Sophie.”

“I apologize.” She murmured, but there was a hint of malice in her eyes when she added, “I shall be on my very best behavior, Anaria. I have no wish to cause trouble.”

By the time we arrived at the anteroom, Crux was drumming his fingers on the enormous table, Lyrae leaning against a wall off to the side, as if she was merely an observer to these proceedings.

I was a nervous wreck.
