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“Is that why you brought me here?”

“You brought yourself here, Anaria, I simply made sure I was in the right place and time to receive you.”

I spread my hands helplessly. “I didn’t do this. I don’t know how.”

“The magic knew.” The Oracle shifted in her seat, a quick, erratic movement that had me studying the way her taloned finger lovingly stroked the arm of the throne.

As if she was communing with the bones, somehow.

I tried to get a better view of the enormous skull, some hideous creature that once had three eyes, something I’d never read about in any book. But watching her lovingly stroke the yellowed bone…the hair stood up on the back of my neck.

As if something was telling me, look, look, look.

“The magic must have brought me here for a reason, then.” I couldn’t take my eyes off that crooked finger petting the bone, as if she was somehow bound to it.

There was a connection there, one I couldn’t grasp.

“Because there is something you must see. A…new development, so you do not make a grave mistake and ruin everything we have put into motion.”

A whirl of her hand had the veil closing around both of us, but this time, my view of the room was clear, the approaching footsteps magnified as the door opened and Ember darted inside. I was free to lunge toward my friend, only to bounce off the bubble of magic imprisoning me.

Em’s silvery gaze flew wide when she scanned the room. Clearly, she’d never been in here before and when Solok appeared behind her, I shouted a warning, but the sound didn’t penetrate the veil.

“Ah, you are on time.” Ember’s hands twisted together behind her back, but she stood her ground when Solok closed in on her. His clothing was blood splattered, but I expected that was a common occurrence.

“Your summons was specific. What do you want?”

My friend was in a fresh gown, her hair curled and braided, her skin unblemished, so she was safe, at least. That small kernel of knowledge settled some of my panic, even while Solok circled her, his eyes shining with cruelty.

“I am so glad Anaria brought you to Tempeste, little slave. If she hadn’t…well, I would be rather short on options right now. I cannot cross into Solarys. Until I find a way through, the ward is spelled against me. But you, little slave, can pass through. You can get close to Anaria.”

“I will not do your dirty work.”

“You will do whatever I want.” I strained against the barrier, helpless to reach my friend.

“Now you see, Anaria.” The Oracle rasped. “Your friend will become Solok’s weapon. In time, you will learn not to get close to anyone. They will only be used to hurt you.”

Solok clasped his hands behind his back, nails coated with gore. “Anaria is in the Keep at Blackcastle, you will get through the ward and you will find her for me.”

“I refuse.” Ember was shaking and my hand shot out, hit the barrier between us. I drew back, hissing in pain, smoke rising from my burnt fingers.

“None of that.” The Oracle crooned. “Your friend must face her fate, without any interference from you.” She smelled like rot, like the black sludge at the bottom of a still pond, filled with wriggling, eyeless things.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Solok as he said, “You will help me recapture the friend who left you behind, or you will become my guest in the prison.” He stopped behind her, stroked a sharp nail down the back of her neck. “I doubt you have Anaria’s strength. Easily breakable, I expect, but you would prove a temporary distraction.”

“I’m every bit as strong as Anaria.” I was so proud when Ember lifted her chin. “And I willnothelp you.”

But she cried out when Solok gripped her throat, sank his teeth into her flesh. Fought furiously while he drank, then pulled away, his mouth shining with blood.

“You will help me, slave, whether you want to or not.” Solok hissed, holding Ember still while a dark shadow drifted into the room. Even the Oracle leaned forward to get a better look when Solok lifted her up off the ground, her feet kicking helplessly.

Ember gasped for air, clawing at his hand, where blood still dripped…and the black shadow melted into her, wisps of smoke streaming from her mouth, her eyes, before she went limp.

Her body was completely boneless, no sign of the shadowy creature, her silver eyes wide and unseeing.

I pounded and pounded on the veil,I can’t get to her, I can’t fucking reach my friend.

Solok tossed her away like she meant nothing, and this time, I didn’t care about the pain, I clawed at that damned veil until I smelled burning flesh.
