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“It is done.” The Oracle murmured, no trace of emotion in her raspy voice. “The next time you see her, that shell will not be your friend, it will be something else.”

“What was that thing?”

“A Soul Reaper. A foul thing, indeed.”

“Where did it come from? How did Solok know to use it?” My scorched hands hung loose at my sides, my chest heaving as Ember spasmed violently, her heels drumming on the floor, Solok watching dispassionately.

“The Fae King has many such abominations at his command, foul things that dwell beneath this cursed city, relics of another time. Solok knew the Reaper needed an open wound to enter the host. Once she recovers, Solok will send her across the ward into Solarys. She will arrive at the Keep tomorrow eve.”

I dragged the band down my arm, pressed my palm to the veil, but my magic recoiled, as if repelled. I whirled to the Oracle. “You can’t keep me here. Set me free so I can get that thing out of her.”

“That thingis part of her now. The Reaper isallof her. There is nothing mortal left inside that fleshy shell.”

“I refuse to believe that.”I had to get out of here. I had to do something. “Let me the fuck out so I canhelp her.”

“Save your outrage for what’s coming, little one.”

I was going to kill this foul creature.Fucking kill her.

“Where is Torin? She’ll help me save Ember, because she’s not afucking monster like you.” I screamed, spittle flying. “Why isn’t she here?”

“Whose blood do you think covers Solok?” The Oracle rasped, though for the first time, anger sparked in her flat eyes as she studied Solok, squatting down as Ember writhed, her face contorted in pain.

If I could only escape, I’d use my magic against Solok and yank that Soul Reaper out of my friend, force it togive her back to me.

“Is Torin dead?” Ember had gone still again, she looked dead, but Solok…he was looking straight at me, as if he saw me through the veil. I took a step back, then realized who lurked behind me.

“Not yet. But even I cannot see her fate.”

“Will you try to save her, or has she served her purpose?” I asked bitterly.

“So judgmental, you mortals. Always looking at everything in terms of good and evil. Yes, little one, I will try to save her, and no, she has not yet served her purpose.”

“Who are you to…”

The Oracle lifted her twisted hand in the air and everything around me blurred.

“I tire of you.” Her raspy voice turned into a hiss. “Now be gone.”



Zor and I stared at each other in horror before he had the sense to tuck the iron band in his pocket. I caught the mare’s reins and calmed her down.

“Anaria’s magic isn’t contained anymore.”

“Yeah, I can fucking see that.”

We had to find Anaria, wherever the fuck she’d gone, or her father would hang us both for losing his daughter.The fucking Princess of Solarys.

And yes, that was only a smoke screen, but a smokescreen we’d better damn well keep up if we didn’t want our heads on the chopping block.

I scanned our surroundings for witnesses, because in the Keep, there was always someone watching, though there were seldom sentries posted around the stables, and today was no exception. Perhaps we’d gotten lucky.

“Where the fuck did she go?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like that before,” Zor admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Unless that was her magic manifesting.”

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