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“Last night it manifested in a flash of light that would have cut me in fucking half if I hadn’t hit the ground. Before that, she glowed like the moon.”

“Her magic was like starlight.” Zor agreed and everything inside me went still, my hands curling into fists.

“You saw her…last night?”

A full body tremor shook me when he nodded, along with a streak of territorial male rage, an emotion I could damn well not afford right now. I’d been at war with myself ever since we’d…been together. I wanted to hunt her down.

Wanted to shout at her for lying to me.

Wanted to sink my cock into her all over again until she screamed my name.

Fuck, when she’d stroked my face and told me she’d chosen me…I’d allowed myself to believe every word. Allowed myself to believe that moment was real, that I was worthy of her, that what we’d sharedmeantsomething.

I’d cracked my heart open enough to let her inside.

When all she’d done was use me to get what she wanted.

“She regrets…what happened.” I didn’t know if Zor read my expression or my mind, but I steeled myself against his pity. “She did it to claim the magic. I don’t think she had a choice.”

“Yeah, that does not make me feel better.” On some level, it hurt more because if she’d told me the truth, I would have understood. I knew what it was like to have no fucking power, when what little you did have could be taken away at any time.

And because for a few minutes, last night had been perfect.

The best fucking night of my life, if I wanted to be honest. I still tasted Anaria on my lips, still felt her wet pussy clench around my cock, milk me dry. I swallowed hard and got my fucking shit together.

“She has regrets…about how things went.” Zor took the reins from my numb hand. I didn’t know why in the fuck he was explaining this to me, but I let him talk. Something had to fill the roaring in my head while we made our way back to the barn.

“Did someone take her?” I asked quietly. It wasn’t impossible, given Solarys was filled with spies and mercs, all looking to make a few easy gilder. The king snuffed out his enemies as fast as they raised their heads, but there was always the chance someone had seen an opportunity and taken her as a trophy.Or leverage.

My heart clenched.

“Not out of thin air like that. Even I can’t move that quickly.” Zor looked thoughtful. “This was something Anaria did herself. This was the magic.”

“Agreed.” When she’d come flying around that corner, her beautiful hair streaming behind her like a banner, the sheer joy on her face had squeezed my heart tight in a tangle of emotions.

Then she’d gone airborne and the fear in her eyes when they met mine erased my anger completely.

In that split second, I knew I couldn’t lose Anaria.

Knew to my bones that while I was pissed and hurt—deep down, I’d already forgiven her.

Because I understood why she hadn’t trusted me, when everyone else had treated her like garbage. Part of me was proud she’d thumbed her nose at the lot of us and done the one thing no one ever expected from a meek little slave.

Claimed a mighty power they never thought she deserved.

Except…she did.

Anaria was stronger and braver than the rest of us put together and a thrill went through me when I pictured what she might do with all that magic, once she learned to use it.

“She was…all right last night, in case you were wondering. Pissed off, but she usually is.”

I smiled. Even with everything, I smiled, picturing her for a moment, her beautiful eyes watching me with such wonder after I’d gone down on her, licked her from one orgasm to another, her muffled cries music in my ears.

She’d been delicious.

I still tasted her dewy essence, still had the scent of her so deep in my nose I smelled her with every breath. Tasted her on my lips.

Fuck, I had toget it together.
