Page 12 of Cruel Is My Court

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For some reason, my eyes snagged on his pale feet, so at odds with the Tavion I was used to, booted and surly and difficult.

Those bare feet made him look vulnerable somehow.

“We were just eating,” I said hoarsely, my voice unnaturally loud in the echoing silence. “Are you hungry? I can make you a sandwich.” I dipped my eyes to his father’s outstretched hand then glared at Tavion, praying he took the hint. After a beat, he grasped Lucius’s palm but dropped it quick enough that hurt flickered over his father’s face.

“Your…Anaria and I were getting to know one another. She…told me what happened to Julian, and Solok. At least that bastard’s dead, even if it was too late to save your brother.”

Tavion hadn’t moved, still frozen in place as his father went on. “I know the castle’s changed since you were here last, but I hoped maybe you’d stay for a time. It would be good to have—”

Tavion cut him off. “Now that Lyrae and Crux are headed to Blackcastle, we’ll be on our way. We’ll take the horses but leave the carriage in the stable.”

“That’s all right, son. I know you have places to be. Maybe next time.” The devastation written on Lucius’s face skewered my heart, but he straightened his shoulders, tufts of white fur catching against the too large shirt as he struggled to keep his composure.

“We’d love to stay the night, if you’ll have us.” I glared at Tavion, daring him to disagree. “There are two more, though, if you have the room. Tristan and Raziel, but we won’t be any trouble, and we really do need to be on our way tomorrow.”

Lucius dipped his head, but not before I saw the tears lining his eyes. “Tonight would be wonderful. This house has been empty for too long. Dane’s heading north before dark, so…”

“I’ll stay tonight as well.” Dane stepped into the kitchen, buttoning up his shirt, but not before I glimpsed a round scar on his chest, almost a burn. “I’d very much like to hear what trouble my nephew’s been up to.”

“Then we’ll need food.” I set my hands on my hips. Not that I wanted to cook, but if a night spent with some company took away that devastated look on Lucius’s face, then I’d make dinner. “There’ll be six of us. I suppose it’s too much to hope there’s a market anywhere close?”

“Check the pantry.” Dane jerked his head to the far end of the kitchen. “I brought some provisions when I came in yesterday. No markets to speak of up here. We get what we need from the forest.”

“I’ll get something started.” I looked pointedly at Tavion then the stool beside Lucius. “You three should get caught up; it sounds like it’s been a while since you’ve had the chance.”

Lucius settled himself back on the stool, shooting me a look of gratitude. “Where do you need to be in such a hurry, son, that you need horses…and are leaving the carriage behind?”

I swallowed down the ache in my throat and went to find this pantry, knowing that expectant, hopeful look on Lucius’s face as he held his hand out would stay with me.

Maybe all the way to Tempeste.

I’d never had a family, but there was something both heart-wrenchingly wonderful and incredibly sad about all of this.

One thing was clear. Tavion was more complicated than I’d ever given him credit for, though I shored up my softening heart against him. Trust would only hurt me in the end, and where we were going…

Chances were, Tavion Montgomery would be the least of my worries.



“Venison and potatoes it is,” I muttered, surveying the pantry packed full of food that had long gone bad. There was one decent bag of potatoes growing spindly sprouts and a hunk of fresh venison, along with some wrinkled apples. I’d worked with worse and headed back to the kitchen with my arms full.

“What are you doing, Anaria?” Raziel stepped in front of me, long black hair plastered to his sweaty face, the stubble on his jaw giving him a darker, edgier look, his sinful lips curving up into a devastating smile. He reached for the supplies I was precariously juggling.

Just the sight of him made my knees weak and then he was kissing me, his dense, musky taste a sensual echo that reached all the way to my core. He was so very careful to hold himself far away, not letting the sharp points on his collar so much as touch my throat. When he broke the kiss, his thumb brushed my cheek gently, as if he read every emotion on my face.

“Lyrae and Crux are gone and I’m all right. Better than you, trapped in that carriage with Tavion for hours.” His smile faltered. “Safer, but more uncomfortable in every way, I expect.”

“It was fine,” I muttered, my earlier resentment flooding back. “We’re all here and we’re alive, so that’s something.”

“Go ahead and be pissed at me, Anaria. I’d be disappointed if you weren’t.” Raz leaned in, his grin turning wicked. “But don’t stay mad for too long. I have plans for tonight.” He pulled back and I saw the raw hunger on his face. “Bigplans that I’ve spent this whole godsawful trip thinking about.”

“Iamstill pissed at you,” I told him, thrusting the venison and potatoes into his arms. “But I suppose I could be persuaded to forgive you. With the right amount of persuasion.”

“Lucky for you, persuasion is what I’m best at, princess.” He expertly balanced the venison on one knee while eyeing the sad little potatoes. “Dare I ask what you are doing with this?”

“Cooking dinner. Tavion’s father is all alone, and…he’s stuck mid shift, from the looks of things. Something’s wrong with his magic, and it has to do with Julian’s death.”
