Page 13 of Cruel Is My Court

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Raz sighed, managing to brush his knuckles down my cheek despite having his hands full. “Don’t make this your burden, too, Anaria. Julian wasn’t your fault.”

“I know, but…it’s like I can’t get away from what I did. Every time I turn around, I get another reminder of how important Julian was. He was the glue that held this family together, and I took him away, and now everything’s falling apart.”

Raz opened his mouth to argue then shook his head, as if knowing this argument was unwinnable. “I’ll help you cook, if you can stand having me in the kitchen.”

“I can stand you just fine.” Heat bloomed inside of me when he leaned in and caught my mouth in another quick kiss before I pulled away, biting my lip. “I know we should get on the road tonight…but Tavion’s father is so lonely, I promised we’d stay the night. But this will set us back another day.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off the small black dot just below his eye, the one that matched the lightning strike running down my side.

I should tell him about the mark on my side, I really should.

But I couldn’t.

Maybe I was a coward, but talking about the marks somehow made what was happening seem more real. And right now…it was easier to pretend.

“We wouldn’t have made good time in the dark, not in this godsawful terrain. And none of us have slept in days.” Raz peered down at me, eyes dark with concern.

“The horses will be better rested, and we’ll make up the lost time tomorrow. The army moves slow enough we can catch up to them, even if we have to ride like demons.”

“I’ll leave the route to you and Tavion.”

“And me.” Tristan shouldered up to us, eyeing the spindly potatoes with a frown. His dark red hair was pulled tightly back, and even inside, his bow and quiver were slung over his shoulder. “Is that dinner?”

“It will be in a few hours.” I bristled at the doubt in his hazel eyes. “And it’ll be the best dinner you’ve ever had.”

“I highly doubt that.” Tristan looked over my head down the hall, where the murmur of voices grew louder. “We should get on the road, Raz. We’re already a day behind because of this foolishness with Lyrae and Crux. If we want to catch up with Zor…”

“We’ll stay the night, leave before dawn.” Raziel’s tone was as stern as I’d ever heard it, and Tristan whipped his head around. “We need the sleep and the horses will be fresh.” His eyes fell on me and softened. “This isn’t up for discussion, Tristan.”

“Fine, but this is a mistake. Don’t complain when we’re late getting to Tempeste and the fucking Oracle takes our heads just for spite.”

“She won’t touch us,” I reminded him. “She needs us.”

“Until she doesn’t,” Tristan reminded me right back, and I just nodded because I’d never heard a truer statement. Tristan yawned. “What time’s dinner? Tell me I have time for a nap. I’m fuckingexhausted.”

“You have time to check the horses,” Raziel said tightly. “Make sure they’ve been fed and watered and we have enough tack to ride out tomorrow first thing. You and I will keep our mounts. The gray gelding should work for Anaria and the big bay for Tavion.”

“Tell me again why I’m taking orders from…you?” Tristan’s eyes fixed on Raz’s spiked collar for a second too long and a burst of anger wiped away every coherent thought in my head. “If you’re so worried about the horses, go check on them yourself,” Tristan growled, hands clenched tight enough his knuckles were white. “I’m not your…slave.”

A fire sparked in Raziel’s dark eyes, and the bag of potatoes hit the floor with a dull thud. “Care to call me a slave again? I’ve kicked your arse before, but if you need a reminder, we can have a go outside if you’d like.”

Tristan’s lip curled higher. “Looks like you’re a little too busy being a cook’s assistant right now. I wouldn’t want to distract you.” But his eyes were on me, and I jolted at the absolute disdain in them. More than just simple aggravation, this was deeper, more personal.

“If I were you, Tristan, I’d watch your fucking mouth.” I conjured up a raging, vicious smile out of my churning anger.

“I tend to lose my temper when people insult someone I love, and I’d hate to turn you into a thorn covered monster by accident.” Raz had gone stock-still beside me, while down the hall in the kitchen, all conversation stopped.

Tristan, however, went pale, as if remembering what I’d done to Solok.

But his eyes swung between the two of us. “I never wanted to be part of Julian’s bullshite revolution. Remember that when you start ordering me around like I’m your stable hand. This isyourfucking mess…and the second I can get free of this, I am gone.”

“Trust me, none of us wanted to be part of this, so stop acting like you’re the only one whose life got fucked up,” Raz snarled right back.

“Check on the horses, or we’re all dead. We eat, we sleep, we ride out first thing in the morning.” I’d never heard Raz use that tone before, filled with raw command and pure male dominance.

He jerked his head toward the door. “Fucking now.” My knees trembled from the utter power contained in his voice. I swore the hallway lights dimmed, and for one breathless moment, he was silhouetted in pure darkness.

“Fuck you, Raz,” Tristan growled, but his hands remained clenched when he stormed toward the doors, red hair glowing in the ancient faelights.
