Page 16 of Cruel Is My Court

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“Doubtful, the way things are going,” I mumbled, though on some level, I did appreciate the brilliance of Tavion’s betrayal. “But fine, I’ll admit, that’s a nice twist.” Every word came out grudgingly.

Dane tipped his head. “Glad I could accommodate. It was about time the money went to something besides funding our extravagant lifestyles. Though buying Tav a wife wasn’t something I ever saw coming.” He slapped Tavion on the back then poured another ale.

The conversation turned to the war and these mysterious tunnels, Raziel’s fingers drifting higher and higher up my thigh while we both held separate conversations—though mine grew increasingly incoherent as more and more heat pooled between my legs.

“I’m exhausted.” I pushed myself away from the table and out of the reach of Raziel’s clever fingers, my weak knees already too wobbly to make it up all those stairs. “Is there somewhere I can sleep tonight?”

“Take your pick. There is an entire wing of empty bedrooms.” Lucius’s smile was lopsided, whether from his fangs or all the ale. “Choose whichever one you’d like, but make sure there’s wood for the fireplace.”

“I’ll build you a fire.” Raz shot to his feet. “Can’t have you getting cold tonight, princess.” He leaned close enough his lips brushed the shell of my ear. “Not when I know about a hundred ways to keep you warm.”

I blushed, sure everyone in the room had heard.

“Thank you, Lucius. I think I’ll head to bed now.”Gods, why did my voice sound so high?“We have an early start in the morning.”

“I’ll see you off tomorrow.” Lucius pushed out his chair and came over, clasping my hand between his huge paws. “Thank you for tonight.” He leaned in closer. “For making me remember how things used to be.”

“You don’t deserve to be alone,” I told him, my voice sharper than I intended. My eyes drifted over to Tavion, though I didn’t mean for that to happen, either.

“Don’t be so sure of that,” he countered before Raz tugged me away and Dane launched into another ridiculous story, calling for his brother.

“Goodnight, then,” I said awkwardly as we disappeared. But Tavion’s eyes followed me through the door and that closed-off look on his face stayed with me for a long time.



Ididn’t say a fucking word as I let Anaria walk away.

A thousand of them hovered on my lips, just waiting to be spoken…yet not one came out.

Why was that?

Why did this female bring out the absolute worst in me, yet make me want to curl myself around her at the same time? Why did she make me tear out my hair one moment, but want to kiss her the next? Why could I not manage a single coherent thought while I was in her presence?

I saw her look—the last one she gave me before she disappeared. Her plea for me to be kind to this old bastard who’d ruined my life.

Anaria wanted me to be a better male, but I couldn’t grant her wish. Lucius…He didn’t deserve my respect. Or my love. He’d never earned my affection, not like Julian.

But the disappointment on her face gutted me. I was ruined, inside and out, a villain in the truest sense of the word. And yet, something sparked to life every time she was close, as if some small, forgotten part of me wanted to be a better male for her.

I blocked out my father’s roar of laughter at Dane’s latest story—nothing but strung together lies—and pondered the problem of my wife. Because even if I never got into her bed, or into her heart, we were, at least, married. In front of and blessed by the Shadow King, no less.

Sure, I’d manipulated her into the agreement.

Sure, I was a complete and utter cad.

I’d trapped her. Anaria had no other choice but to marry me that day, because even though I was a proper bastard and a complete arsehole, the male she’d been promised to was worse. A depraved monster. Lord Gravelock would have destroyed Anaria. Systematically. Gleefully. Completely.

I gripped the handle of my mug and closed my eyes, forced myself to keep my shite together as the biggest fear I’d ever faced came back to me full force.

Anaria, her eyes glistening with tears, Gravelock’s fingers digging into her arm deep enough to draw blood. The Shadow King, seeing nothing but a means to win his fucking war against his brother, and using the woman I loved to secure his victory.

I’d been so close to losing her that day, so fucking close.

I’d heard about the king’s plan at the last moment. Only a desperate plea to Dane and a frantic ride to Blackcastle with some of our men and a small fortune of gold had saved Anaria that day. Some nights I still woke up in a cold sweat, thinking I’d been too late.

I took a deep drink of my ale to hide my shaking. I was fine with her hating me. I would take a pissed off Anaria who would never be mine over a dead Anaria any day of the week, even if I was doomed to a lifetime of torture.
