Page 2 of Cruel Is My Court

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His fingers dug divots into his muscular thighs as he stared out the window, his big body—as immoveable as a godsdamned rock—was rigid with tension. But something in his deep voice, maybe the tiny bit of actual remorse, plucked at my heartstrings.

“I keep fucking things up without even trying. And I can’t keep doing that. I want to make things better between us.”

His apology rang with truth, but I wouldn’t—couldn’t—give in to his groveling. Tavion had manipulated me for the last time. Every time I gave him another chance, he made me regret my moment of weakness.

“Tell me how to fix this, Anaria.” I felt his expectant gaze on the back of my head, his hope that a simple request might fix everything broken between us. “Tell me how to make things right and I will. I’ll do anything you ask, just tell me what you want.”

Still, my gaze slid over to him. He might be a liar and a bastard, but Tavion Montgomerywashandsome, long white hair pulled back from a chiseled face, forest green eyes—darker than mine—glinting with predatory intent, and okay, a fair amount of remorse that might even be genuine.

He was the picture of civilized elegance, dressed in the finest clothing, a ruby glinting on the end of the pommel of his sword. But beneath the gloss, an untamed wildness lurked. As much as it pained me, that’s what I found most attractive, and I despised that I did.

I went back to watching the trees. “Then I’ll make this simple. I don’t want anything from you. There. Problem solved. You’re welcome.”

I didn’t have time for this bullshite. Raz and Tristan were somewhere in those woods, weaving through the forest at this dangerous pace—not that they could lose us. Tavion’s black, luxurious carriage was the only thing for miles, careening along this one-track dirt road kicking up a cloud of dust, an unmissable target for Lyrae and Crux to track.

Exactly as Tavion intended.

Once we arrived at Warrington Hollow, they’d turn back around, reporting our safe arrival to the Shadow King, who would forget we ever existed and concentrate on winning this war against his brother.

We’d rendezvous with Zorander and the Oracle and hope she didn’t slaughter us.

That was our plan, anyway, if it didn’t get blown all to shite.

“And you accusemeof being stubborn.”

“Not an accusation. A fact.”

Red hair flashed between the trees, and I straightened, my stomach twisted in knots.

If Lyrae or Crux spotted Tristan…We couldn’t afford a skirmish right now. This entire diversion depended on us not raising any alarms. I slid closer to Tavion, ignoring how tightly my thigh pressed against his.

“Tristan’s too close to the road. If I saw him, Lyrae and Crux will as well.” I kept my voice down. Even with the thundering hooves, Fae hearing was keen enough to pick up the barest whisper. While Tavion vouched for the two males driving the carriage…I didn’t know them, and I didn’t trustmy husband.

My lip curled at the thought.

“Either you’re seeing things, or something’s gone wrong.” That was fuckingcondescensionin his voice, and I revisited my plan to stab him.

Viciously. Over and over.

I rolled my eyes instead. “Since I’m not seeing things, let’s go with something’s wrong.”

“Could be stonewraiths.” Tavion ignored my jab completely and drew back the shade on his window, letting in a fresh cloud of dust. “Or Howlers. They come down out of the mountains this time of year. How close was he?”

I snorted. “Stonewraiths don’t have red hair. I’ve never seen a Howler, but I assume they aren’t gingers, either. Twenty feet out my window, keeping pace with the carriage.”

Infuriatingly, Tavion leaned over me to peer out my side of the carriage, his huge body leaving me crowded and overwhelmed and breathless. My skin felt too hot, scorched almost, though he barely touched me.

Which was the entire problem. Tavion sucked up all the air inside the tiny cabin, making it impossible for me to ignore him no matter how hard I tried.

And gods knew I’d been trying for hours.

“I see him. He’s not signaling they’re in trouble and he’s heading deeper into the forest.” He sat back, giving me space to catch my breath. “The path was narrower through here, but it widens out in a mile. He and Raz are smart. They’ll make sure they’re not spotted.”

“Good. I’m too fucking tired for fighting.”

“I never thought I’d say this, but so am I.” Tavion sighed then shifted his gaze back to the window. “I never thought I’d say this either, but it’s good to be heading home.”

I kept quiet. I knew nothing about this ancient forest surrounding us, the road we were on, the isolated town we headed towards. Much like the last month of my life, I existed in a constant state of damage control and survival and today was no different. But whatever waited for us in Warrington Hollow wasn’t my concern.
