Page 38 of Cruel Is My Court

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Maybe I should be angry about his territorial possessiveness, but I was secretly pleased. Raziel wasn’t interested in controlling me or holding me back. And wedidbelong to each other.

In every way two people could—heart and body and soul.

“Staking your claim?” I gasped when he unbuttoned my pants for better access. “I like that, I think.” His fingers plunged into me again, deeper this time, my hips meeting every stroke of his fingers.

“Good, because I intend to make you forget about everything tonight. I want you to relax and let me take care of you. Let me give you what you need, Anaria.”

“Your cock.” I licked my lips, pinned against his chest, eyes closed to drink in every last delicious, mind-blowing sensation. Every muscle taut in anticipation of his next touch, his next kiss.

I was so fucking close…

“My cock, my tongue, my fingers…my heart. You’ll get everything from me, Anaria. If I could give you the world, I would lay it at your feet. But for now, my heart will have to do.”

I opened my eyes to the vastness of Caladrius, lit only by a crescent moon. Damn, this male could make me go from panting with desire to a swooning romantic in a second.

“You already have my heart, Raz. You haveeverything.” Every broken, ragged part of me, which truthfully wasn’t much, but every last piece of me belonged to him.

“I want you in my skin. On my tongue. In my soul.” He lay me on the bed—which thankfully didn’t make a sound—peeled off my boots then my leathers, before kneeling between my legs.

“I want to taste you forever.” He grasped my knees, spreading me wider, his eyes darkening as he looked up at me. “When I die, I hope it’s with you on my lips.”

“No dying talk,” I scolded, my breath catching as he pressed his mouth to the top of my mound. “In fact, no talking at all.”

“Who am I to disobey a direct order from a princess?”

I was about to tell him I was no princess when his tongue slid up through my pussy, flicking across my sensitive clit. Then he lapped at me, furiously enough to catch every last drop, fingers digging into my thighs as he spread me wider so he could lick deeper.

Two days in the tunnels, he’d been right beside me, and I’d missed him the entire time. I didn’t know how, but I did. But right now…Right now we were so close I swore I felt every beat of his heart, the blood pumping through his veins.

I wrapped his silken hair around my fingers, my other hand gripping the blankets, everything narrowing down to his devouring mouth, the vibrations from his low, needy groans, the tremors rippling through my core like shockwaves.

My hips rolled in time with his plunging tongue, his name spilling from my mouth, along with gods knows what else.

This was…too much.

Pleasure and aching anticipation mixed into one. Too much and not enough. I wanted to come and I wanted this to last forever.

I wanted to explode, and I wanted to ride the edge of this wave until we both tumbled off together and crashed back to earth.

“Fuck, Anaria.” His voice was a harsh rasp. “Say my name like that again.”

He ate me like he had a mission, and I closed my eyes, biting my lip as everything narrowed down to Raziel. His mouth, his tongue.Him.

Every breath became a desperate hiss edged with pain. My back was arched, my fingers tugging his hair so hard it had to hurt. Then he drove both fingers into me and sucked my swollen, sensitive clit between his teeth before biting down gently. “RazielohmygodsohmygodsI’mgoingtocome.”

For a second, I hung midair, every muscle tensed, not even breathing, suspended on a thread of pleasure that stretched but would not break.

Then I plummeted.

My orgasm shattered me and Raz took me in one furious thrust, aching emptiness turning to blazing fullness as he entered me, my core pulsing around his hard length.

His hips pistoned against mine as if he’d lost all control, hands gathering my wrists together and pressing them up over my head as I bucked, trying to get him deeper. Wild. I wanted him wild and untethered. I wanted his rawness, with nothing between us but breath and sweat.

“Raziel.More.” I was growling. Like an animal. “Give memore.”

“Hang on, I got you.” Raz lifted my leg over his shoulder, angled his hips, and slammed into me, fucking me hard, the headboard banging into the wall, my fingers still tangled in his hair so tight I had to be ripping some out.

I didn’t care. Not when my next orgasm hit me hard enough to knock the breath out of me, my shaking body beyond my control, my soul shattering beneath the force.
