Page 48 of Cruel Is My Court

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Then his face was a mask of calm when he pointed to the rise a short distance away. “Tristan, find a good position. Keep those mages pinned down while we make our pass, pick as many off as you can. We’ll regroup and ride hard for Zor and Tavion. Let’s hope they get that army stopped in time.”

Tristan pulled his cloak over his hair and raced toward an outcropping, dismounted, and climbed the enormous rock wedged between two twisted tree trunks before knocking an arrow, then he gave Raziel a nod.

I yanked the tie from my hair and unbuckled the leather jacket. Coated with sweat, it stuck like a second skin, and when I finally peeled it off, I rolled up my shirtsleeves. If I had to access my magic, nothing could get in the way, not when every second might count.

But part of me balked at the idea of touching my power.

After what happened with Solok…No, only if the circumstances turned desperate, I decided, would I reach for my magic. Only if there was no other choice. Only to save my friends would I touch this terrible magic. Only if we’d exhausted every other option.

If Torin spoke true, this battle would not only be the end of both these armies…it would be the end of us.

I refused to be used by the Oracle again.

No, I would defy her until the bitter end.

“Look at me, Anaria.” Raz’s eyes burned straight through me. “I will not let anything happen to you.” He urged his horse closer until our knees bumped. “I will never let anything happen to you.”

His hand slid beneath my hair, cupping the back of my neck, and then his lips crashed down on mine. A hard, demanding kiss. One that promised me tomorrow, and years after. One that told me he was every bit as afraid as I was right now.

When he broke away, we were both gasping, but something…something had settled into place within me. Confidence, maybe, if there was such a thing right now.

“Ready?” Raz gripped his reins tight, his scent wrapping around me as I turned the gelding, heart thundering in my chest. “Stay with me, do not look anywhere except straight ahead, do not falter. Keep your horse moving. Tristan will pick off anyone who gets too close.”

“I’m ready.”

I was so not ready, but I trusted Raziel completely.

If this was the plan he’d come up with, I would follow him wherever he led.



Using the female I loved as bait to draw the Caladrian forces out of the Caverns was going to fucking destroy me, but there was no other option.

If we survived today, I would find some way to kill that immortal, foul creature who’d once again outmaneuvered us.

I fought against the bone chilling horror of what these next moments would bring, the myriad of mistakes I might make, and all the things that could go wrong. But the Oracle tossed us into a gauntlet, and this was the only way through that I could see.

“I can do this, Raz.” Anaria straightened her shoulders, sitting forward on the gelding, readying herself for the desperate run we were about to make. “I’m not going to fall off. Don’t look so worried.”

“I’m just pissed we didn’t get to sleep in this morning.” I cocked my eyebrow, taking in those delectable curves under her thin shirt. I leaned closer and breathed deep. “How sore are you today?”

I was covered with her scent. Still tasted her amber-honey flavor on my lips every time I swept my tongue over them. If this went wrong, I’d take her with me to my death, though there was no real comfort in the thought.

No, I wanted forever with this female.

We deserved forever, and no one would take that away from us.

“Deliciously sore.” Her lips quirked up, green eyes dancing as they dragged slowly over my body. “Round two was especially…memorable.” Then her tongue flicked out and wet her bottom lip. Despite what we were facing, I was immediately hard.

“When we get back to the palace, I’ll show you what comes next,” I promised softly, praying I could keep my word. “Round three is sure to please, my lady.”

“Then I suppose we can’t die today, or I’ll never find out.” Some of the humor faded from her face as she brushed the dust from her lovely face. “So please don’t die, okay?”

“I shall do my best.” I tied my hair back, gave Tristan the signal, and urged my horse closer, my heart thundering. “I love you.” I stared deep into her eyes, “Stay beside me, keep pace, do not falter, no matter what you see.”

“I will. I promise.”
